November 5, 2013

Jews, Israel, Shoah, Intermarriage

I live in the Galut, but I also know I was at Sinai.
This means that my Family has a portion in the Land of Israel.
I hope to make Aliyah when I can and I am very concerned that my fellow Jews that are Jews living in the Biblical Land of Israel (Not Israelis) take care of what Hashem gave us.

Meir Kahane was sent to us for many reasons...Certainly to help free Russian Jews and protect the elderly near NYC.

Now in the Knesset, the enemy Arab/Muslim/Nazi MK's say there never was a TM and that allowing Jews there will cause an Intifada....
It is time once and for all to end the dreams of these Arab/Muslim/Nazi's.
Retake control of the TM and expel all of the Arab/Muslim/Nazi's NOW.

The continued aftermath of the Shoah, has created a Post - Shoah mentality in Israel and possibly Jews worldwide. It has made the Jewish Kingdom feel some need for approval from the other Nations. The truth is that the Jews listen to no Man and only answer ti Hashem. The rest of the World was, is and will always be irrelevant. We need to try to return to the life where all Jews will lead the life needed to get to the WTC.
When this happens ......

On intermarriage, I feel that every case of intermarriage is simply an attempt by a Goy to lure Jews away from Judaism. It is one of the stumbling blocks that Hashem placed for us to avoid.  Intermarriage is just a ticket out of Judaism for any Jew that marries out.

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