Arabs and Jews
The illusion of Arab-Jewish coexistence is a delusion that leads
directly to tragedy. On the one hand, it
is patently false. On the other, it
encourages mad policies on the part of the Israeli government. Thus, we find that a group of yeshiva
students travelled to the Galilee village of Peki’ to pray at several sacred
sites. What makes Peki’ special is that throughout
the long exile there were always Jews in this small place and, today, one lone
family remains, a father and his unmarried daughter.
When the students came, they were met with stones by the local
Arabs and Druze. They were forced to
call the police and leave. When the Arabs were asked why they had stoned the
Jews they replied “they feared that they
had come to settle there”… [Sounds
This is the truth of Arab-Jewish coexistence and the tragedy of the
Jewish policy of illusion. In the JEWISH
state, Arabs have reached the point of chutzpah and gall when they can stone
Jews and openly explain that they feared that the Jews might try to settle in
their village. There is NO Arab village
in the JEWISH state and the Arabs live in the JEWISH homeland by sufferance of
the Jews. For them to have the
brazenness to question Jewish rights is both symptomatic of their true feelings
as well as the result of the timid and frightened “non-policy” of fear of what
the world will say, that has led to an incredible decision to place two
soldiers on trial in connection with the death of two Arabs killed in rioting
against Jewish sovereignty. Both deaths
occurred as Arab mobs, encouraged by Jewish weakness and hesitation, stoned
Israeli troops, threw Molotov cocktails at them and tried to cause conditions
of anarchy and revolt that would eventually force Jews to retreat from Judea
and Samaria.
Both deaths occurred as Israeli soldiers were attacked and tried to
put down the revolt. At first, the
government refused to put soldiers who were facing an enemy committed to wiping
out the Jewish state, on trial. Now, under pressure, they have agreed. The result will be that any soldier will
hesitate before firing and will fear the consequences of his doing what any
normal soldier should do. The result
will be that the Arabs will know this and be encouraged. The result is that, once again, capitulation
to the Arabs will breed more arrogance, more demands, more revolt.
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