October 2, 2012

Despite Ridicule from the Left, Bibi’s Message on Iran Is Being Heard

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the 67th United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the 67th United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Photo Credit: Avi Ohayon/ GPO / Flash90
It was easy to ridicule Bibi Netanyahu's UN appearance with a cartoon bomb that looked like it had been shipped in by ACME directly from a Warner Brother's Road Runner short. But it appears that the Israeli premier has left a dramatic impression as well, on a world that is now being forced to stop ignoring a real Iranian threat.

Three reported events at week's end suggest that Netanyahu's message is being heard, and that Israel's Western allies are working in earnest to stop the Iran nuclear program without having to go to war over it.

Incidentally, that happened to be Netanyahu's message as well: he insisted that by drawing his now notorious red line at the point where Iran will be able to manufacture a viable nuclear device, this will prevent the need to go to war.

The logic behind the PM's argument is cogent, although, in the past, Hitler invaded both Czechoslovakia and Poland despite heaps of warnings and red lines issued by Western democracies. Inevitably, red lines must be backed by the readiness to spill red blood on their enforcement.

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