October 12, 2012

Modern anti-Semitism

Commonly, all Jews are blamed for the supposedly immoral behavior of a few Jews: tax farmers, liquor dealers, and the like. No other people are judged by that standard. Most Jews adhere to an exceedingly rigid code of conduct, prescribed by their Law, which prohibits immoral actions (usually) even toward gentiles. 

Jews define morals differently from many gentiles. Jews believe in free will and that God generally leaves the world to run itself by the laws God created. Gentiles often believe in pervasive determinacy, where humans do not control themselves. It was, therefore, no transgression for Jewish tavern-keepers to sell alcohol to whoever wanted it, though some accused them of charging high prices and addicting people to alcohol—presumably by low prices. Jews engaged in businesses others avoided, since restrictions excluded them from agriculture, limited their trade rights and employment choices. They went where they could.
Although borrowing at interest is a matter of choice, the Law recognized that circumstances might force some to borrow against their free will and prohibited lending at interest to other Jews. Some Jews are moneylenders, but people flocked to them, because the Jews' rates were better than gentiles’. The same is true of Jewish liquor dealers and grocers. But gentiles disregard their unscrupulous co-religionists and carp on Jews.

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