March 13, 2012

The Land of Israel - Purim 2012

Purim 2012

The Land of Israel

There is a pull on our heartstrings when two words come together: the
Land of Israel.

All of Jewish yearning, the full current of our history, is embodied
in that phrase: the Land of Israel.

We are a people with a destiny in our promised land. Because we never
forgot our destiny, we never stopped dreaming of the Land of Israel.

The dream was fulfilled. The people of Israel returned to the land
promised to them by the G-d of Israel. Not to Uganda. Not to
Birobidjan. Not to Argentina. Only here in the Land of Israel did we
succeed in making the wilderness bloom. We established modern
industry, flourishing agriculture, universities, advanced medicine, a
strong economy, and a great renewal of the world of Torah.

We overcame the bleak forecasts of demographic threats, lack of water,
lack of oil, continual terror, and today we are one of the most
advanced states in the world. We achieved all this by the merit of our
attachment to the Land of Israel.

Indeed, the stronger our attachment is, the more we will fulfill our
destiny in the world.

Since the Expulsion from Gush Katif in 2005, Women in Green has
focused quite literally on "acting in the field" to strengthen our
hold on all of the lands of Israel. We will continue our activities in
the field ­ planting and thereby securing lands threatened by Arab
encroachment. However, we also intend to promote activities to
strengthen the public consciousness that the Land of Israel is the key
to the success and power of the Jewish People. Establishing Israeli
sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel is the only Israeli
alternative. Together with you, dear friends, we will strive in word
and deed towards that goal.

We are full of confidence that with G-d's help we will succeed. The
idea that concessions bring peace has become the obsession of a
lunatic leftist fringe. Most Israeli Jews understand in their minds
and hearts that pieces of paper with signatures mean nothing and it is
facts on the ground that are important.

Israeli society still includes islands of ideological weakness (who
yet hold much power): the courts, the police, the Civil
Administration, and parts of the media. However, with G-d's help, we
will overcome them and eventually transform them ­ in the merit of the
Land of Israel and by means of our constant and unflagging labors.

In addition to our continuous activities, we are planning next to
tackle two of the weak links:
  * The Civil Administration - The Civil Administration is charged
with guarding state lands, but with the encouragement of the Supreme
Court and the police, this body is putting into effect the ruling by
outgoing Chief Justice Dorit Beneish that "whatever isn't [officially
declared] state land is [considered] private Arab land." This has
translated in practical terms to having the status of plot 94 in
Netzer, planted by us, transformed by the Civil Administration from
survey land (ownerless land in the process of being certified as state
land) to private Arab land. We will attempt to rectify the situation
by political and legal means.
  * The Police - For 17 years, Women in Green has observed the
ancient custom of walking around the walls of the Old City on the eve
of Tisha B'Av. This year, because Tisha B'Av falls during the month of
Ramadan and the Arabs will be descending from the Temple Mount to
Damascus Gate during the time of the walk, the police have asked us,
the Jews, to change our route. It would never occur to the police to
have the Arabs take a different route. We are appealing to the Supreme
Court on this issue with the help of Atty. Aviad HaCohen.

We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends for their help
in the public education initiative of publishing the truth by way of
an advertisement, in Hebrew and in English, in the "Ha'aretz"
newspaper that countered the lies contained in an article about Netzer
written by Amira Hass in that paper. The ad appears on our website.

Our activities in the field, in the courts, and in public education
cost large sums of money. Thank G-d, we've been blessed with friends
and supporters who understand the importance of holding onto the land
and explaining why that is so important. We thank you and turn to you
once again to request your continued help in achieving our common

In the Scroll of Esther we read that "the Jews had light and joy."
May the victory continue to resound in our times!

Happy Purim,

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar Cell: 972-50-5500834 or 972-50-7161818

Women in Green's movie channel:

This letter also appears on our website:

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