February 27, 2012

WikiLeaks posts email claiming Israel struck Iran nuclear sites

Global intelligence firm Stratfor circulates e-mail citing “confirmed Israeli intelligence agent” saying that Israeli commandos and Kurdish forces destroyed most of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure “weeks ago” • Email also says that attack on Iran would be “so destructive that Iran will be unable to retaliate.”

Israeli commandos have already targeted a number of underground nuclear facilities in Iran, claims an email circulated within the U.S.-based intelligence firm Stratfor which was posted on the whistleblower website WikiLeaks on Monday.
The email, leaked by an organization that aims to publish private, secret and classified media from anonymous sources, was dated Nov. 14, two days after one of Iran’s top commanders was killed in a mysterious explosion in a missile base outside Tehran.
In the chain email, a Stratfor employee cited a “confirmed Israeli intelligence agent” as saying that “the Israelis already destroyed all the Iranian nuclear infrastructure on the ground weeks ago.”
When Stratfor employees asked the source to clarify, he responded, according to the email, that “Israeli commandos in collaboration with Kurd forces destroyed [a] few underground facilities mainly used for the Iranian defense and nuclear research projects.”
The source was further cited as saying that he thought reports that Israel was preparing to launch an attack on Iran were “a diversion.”
“The current ‘let’s bomb Iran’ campaign was ordered by the EU leaders to divert the public attention from their financial problems at home,” the email said.
The email also touched on a military intervention in Syria. “Despite the reports in the media and against any public knowledge, the promoter of a massive Israeli attack on Syria is the axis India-Russia-Turkey-Saudi Arabia. The axis U.S.-Germany-France-China is against such an attack [for] obvious reasons,” the email said. “Not many people know that Russia is one of Israel’s largest military partners and India is Israel’s largest client.”
The information in the email runs counter to recent warnings and actions by Russian officials in opposition to a military intervention in Syria or an attack on Iran.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday defended a Russia-China veto of a U.N. resolution condemning Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s crackdown on protests, saying that Moscow would not allow a reprise of what happened in Libya, where NATO airstrikes helped Libya’s rebels oust Moammar Gadhafi’s regime.
“If a direct conflict between Iran and Israel erupts, Russia and Saudi Arabia will gain the advantages of increasing oil prices,” the Stratfor email said. “On the other hand, China and Europe are expected to lose from an oil crisis as a result of a conflict.”
The email also cited the Israeli intelligence source as saying, “Based on Israeli plans, the attack on Iran will last only 48 hours but will be so destructive that Iran will be unable to retaliate or recover and the government will fall.”
This statement also seems to contradict a recent New York Times report suggesting that U.S. defense officials believe Israel would not be able to successfully strike Iran on its own. Such a strike would require much more than the surgical strike Israel carried out against Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981 and the 2007 attack on a nuclear reactor in Syria that foreign media have attributed to Israel, the New York Times said.
The Stratfor email added that “even if the Israelis have the capabilities and are ready to attack by air, sea and land, there is no need to attack the nuclear program at this point after the commandos destroyed a significant part of it.”

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