December 27, 2010

No Two State Solution Even Possible

There is no such thing as a Two State Solution. But you already knew that or you know Zip and are most likely Anti-Semitic or just desperate. All the leftists I have ever met have no answers...they just try to follow some mythical humanitarian mantra.

The only way this conflict will end is if one side wins and one side loses. That is simply fact. The Israelis have control and the weapons, money etc. The displaced Jordanians have played the victim card very well for many years. But the fact remains that Israel has complete and overwhelming control.

Meir Kahane had the answer so many years ago. The Arabs should be expelled from Israel and have their "citizenship" revoked. The displaced Jordanians need to be taken back to Jordan.

Then Israel will able to annex the land and continue to be the most productive Country in the world. This is simply based the many contributions etc.

The time is now and Israel needs to get the ball rolling by retaking the Temple Mount and clearing the Arabs from Jerusalem one block at a time if needed.
This should push the issue sufficiantly.

Kahane Tzadak!

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