October 20, 2009

1)Israel 2) America - Status 2009

I see Israel with limited lens and an external, yet Jewish perspective...I see the following:

The suicide attacks have stopped (being successful).

Gilad shalit is still not home.

The world verbal and UN attack (Arabs) on Israel has increased.

Bibi is spinning around trying to satisfy all sides.

The religious right is busy making babies (Thank HaShem).

I only learned of the Katan Kotel this Month.

The Temple Mount is still very restricted.

That Turkey may have really just cut off a large stream of Israeli tourist revenue (like marrying a gentile...eventually you will the dirty Jew).

I see the US with limited lens and an internal, yet Jewish perspective...I see the following:

In the US even Obama supporters are starting to wonder...

The violence in this country seems to be increasing and also the tolerance for it.

The standard of living has begun to widen between the haves and have nots.

40,000 people still die every year in the US largely because of alcohol abuse on the highways.

The abuse of gas continues with no clear picture of the alternative.

The economy is stagnant because there is no movement except in the stock market... which has certainly not translated in Jobs.  No houses or cars sell and they don't need to make more.

More to follow


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