June 22, 2019

The Jordan Option, plain and simple

The Jordan Option, plain and simple

Jordan=Palestine. So, the capital of Palestine is not Jerusalem but Amman”.
It can’t get any simpler than that.
The primary stumbling block to Israel annexing the land she was promised in the Palestinian Mandate and which she conquered in 1967, Gaza aside, is the fact that 1.6 million Arabs live there. All solutions put forward by the Israeli right, take a stab at the problem. They range from offering the Arabs a path to citizenship to incentivizing them to emigrate voluntarily. The left prefers the two-state solution.
There is great opposition in Israel to the citizenship idea as it would present Israel with an Arab population amounting to 35% of the total population. To have an understanding of how big a problem that would be for Israel, just look at the problems European countries are having with a Muslim minority of only 5 to 10%. Israelis want no part of that nightmare. Paying Arabs to leave is a far more attractive solution.
The leading Israeli voice for offering compensation as an inducement to emigration, is Martin Sherman, the founder of Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. He suggests offering $300,000 per family. Such a plan would cost at least $100 billion to get West Bank Arabs to emigrate. This is a mind-boggling sum to most Israelis but Sherman argues that it is affordable.
The Jordan Option represents a different solution, one which would be far less costly to Israel.  It requires changing Jordan from a monarchy to a parliamentary democracy.



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