August 4, 2010

One lantern in the steeple would signal the army's choice of the land route, while two lanterns would signal the route "by water"

What is the warning to send that the Islamists are here?

Cordoba Call?  I- Alert? When will the Humanists see or listen?

What will it take? Israel National Radio Rabbi Tovia singer has said for years that it
will take a massive disaster, surpassing 9/11 to throw us into a frenzy.

He must be right. Even Bloomberg was going to support the Cordoba victory building in
the 9/11 zone. Is he nuts? Has he lost his mind? Here is a politician that bought his office with his own $... and he still obviously bows to politics!

The vote in NY was 9-0 ...were these people threatened? does that seem unlikely?
We are dealing with a historically murderous group that have apparently tortured and killed more than 270 Million in the name of ....

This is obviously the cult of cults. It deserves full attention and action.

Rabbi Kahane (Kahane Tzadak) would have been able to deal with this quickly and with appropriate force. All in! BHO is a mystery...believe he is a Islamist? If not, he certainly understands then and is submissive to their culture etc.

Where is the strong leader we need? Post WW2 it was Eisenhower...General Eisenhower!
We need less President and more General now!
The Congress is well suited to take of the homeland operations. We now need a military leader to do what needs to be done.

I always hear that if you remove all of the Islamists (by whatever means necessary) that the Jews will be next, nonsense. We will be taken out by assimilation first.

This is a matter of survival. The only threat to the Country or Western Civilization is Islamism.
The cells are ready and they are organized in the Saudi built Mosques the US and also in Eurabia. These Mosques must be torn down and their members forcefully deported!
It really doesn't matter what the Humanists say, the time is now....before it is to late.
We see them in the grocery store and where....where else do they go?
The mosque, for training.  NOW is the time, the time to find a military leader to do the right thing and rid the US of these infiltrators.

Who speaks for the innocent?
Who acts for the innocent?
Who will stand up for the innocent?
Who will lead?
Who can lead?

I invite your thoughts!!!!


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