April 16, 2010

Hillary's Hilarious Hoopla - Prof Paul Eidelberg

It has been reported that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has increased the pressure on Israel again to strengthen the PLO and Fatah and make concessions to the Palestinian Authority.

Apparently, Hillary is unaware of the fact that the PLO and Fatah are terrorist organizations, and that to make “concessions” to, hence to reward, any terrorist organization is a violation of international law. 

Unfortunately, the United States government has been violating international law year after year by financing the PLO with hundreds of millions of dollars—much of which ending up in the coffers of PLO leaders.  The American people, now suffering an economic meltdown, should take note of this fact.

Returning to Clinton, the American Secretary of State spoke at the Center for Middle East Peace.  She called on the PLO-Palestinian Authority (led by Mahmoud Abbas) to end its incitement against Israel.  How “politically correct” of this peace-preaching lady.  Stupefied by the religion of peace, she ignores the fact that the PLO, whose ruling faction is Fatah, has not only engaged in incitement against Israel decade after decade.  This terrorist organization is responsible for the murder of more than 1,500 Jewish men, women, and children and the maiming and traumatizing of a tens of thousands more. I would like to know whether Hillary would resign her office if her boss, Barack Obama, tolerated such barbarism against Americans?

 Like her boss, whose moral equivalence induces him to “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” regarding Islam and Islam’s history—a history that includes the enslavement and sale of blacks—Hillary added: "We encourage Israel to continue building momentum toward a comprehensive peace by demonstrating respect for the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians.”

I would like attorney Clinton to present evidence that “a comprehensive peace” is possible with Arabs or Muslims whose religion forbids genuine and abiding peace with “infidels.”  I would have her cite the Quran—and not tendentiously.  I would like to see her refute legions of scholars —including former Muslims such as Wafa Sultan, Ayyan Hirsi Ali, and Nonie Darwish—whose books confirm Churchill’s adage that the Quran is “the Mein Kampf of war.”  And if Hillary is abysmally ignorant about such books, or if she has learned nothing from America scholars such as Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, and Andrew Bostom, allow me to advise the lady to shut up! 

That is what she wants Prime Minister Netanyahu to do.  She urges him “to refrain from unilateral statements and actions that could undermine trust or risk prejudicing the outcome of talks [with the Palestinians]”  But only fools would trust the words of Arab leaders like Mahmoud Abbas, a man ingrained in the Arab art of taqiyya—deception.

Nevertheless, Mrs. Clinton said Israel must strengthen the PA and the PLO in order to counter Hamas.  Where has this Secretary of State been lately?  Doesn’t she know that a large majority of the Arabs she calls the “Palestinians” elected Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as the PA’s prime minister, and that PA president Abbas is a nebbish vis-à-vis Haniyeh?

Willfully steeped in denial about the Palestinians, who have used their own children as human bombs, Hillary pontificated: “Israel can and should do more to support the Palestinian Authority's efforts to build credible institutions and deliver results.”

“Credible institutions”?  Did Hillary mean “democratic institutions.”  But when have Arabs ever constructed democratic institutions in their fourteen-century history?  Has this hilarious secretary of state, who deigns to teach Israel, ever read a candid scholar of Islam? 

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