November 25, 2009

The Jewish Country....

Is the first step to being the Jewish Country, telling Mitchell and Obama to go home?
Of course it is. If Bibi is not skilled enough as a politician to yell Yankee go home nicely....then we need Feiglin or Dr Ben Ari to do so!

Then we must educate our children about their heritage!
No more apoligizing to Gentiles or asking for their approval. Enough!

Do I have a right to tell Israeli politicians what to do with my Country? Of course I do! I was at Sinai! I have my portion also!

I am still in the Galut, it is true. But I will extricate my family and come home soon. Perhaps those righteous Jews in Israel can unite and give us all a united cause to support and enlist our hearts!

Torah based Government will remove the graft and corruption.

Who will lead?
Who can lead?
Who wants/needs to lead?
Who can we trust to lead for the right reason?

As a Jew in America, do I want the right to vote in Israel?
Do I want to be able to join National Union or Manhigut Yehudit etc?

Yes. Yes I do!

All Jewish voices need to be heard!

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