February 21, 2008

A Political State of Judea

All the miracles and wonders of the exodus from Egypt did not help. The psychological servitude to the idol of slavery continued to gnaw away at the Israelites. Moses seemed to tarry in his descent from Mount Sinai and within a few hours, the nation despaired of liberty and danced around the Golden Calf.

"So what if you are the largest faction in the Likud and the Likud Central Committee?" our detractors say. "So what if you won 14% of the primaries two years ago and close to 25% last year? You have nobody in the Knesset. And even if you will be elected to head the Likud, so what? Then the Likud will turn into nothing more than an upgraded version of the National Union party. And if the Likud with Feiglin at its head would win the general elections, so what? He will need a coalition. Not everybody in the Knesset is our type."

If a person has not succeeded in liberating his soul from the worship of slavery, he will always find a reason to despair of serving G-d, preferring to worship the Calf, instead. No accomplishments, signs or wonders will help. Any difficulty will be used as an excuse to jump off the responsibility wagon, back into the easy flow of idol worship.

Eight years have passed since Manhigut Yehudit joined the Likud. Who would have dreamed that in such a short time, we would overtake the other candidates and be in second place with one quarter of the Likud vote? Who would have dared to bet on that result even one year ago?

If a person does not want to take responsibility, though, the solution of the Judean state - or in political terms - sectoral parties - is an enticing escape. In an effort to increase its membership, Effie Eitam's new Achi splinter party (1/4 of the National Union) has been providing a special service to the Likud members of Yesha. Eitam's people convince the Likud voters to join their new party and even supply them with the necessary forms to fill out to resign from the Likud and to join Achi.

Eitam has decided to exchange essence for technicalities. There is nothing new in the official rhetoric of his party - no fresh message for the observant or secular Right. Achi does not talk about leading the nation. If you read the fine print on the party's internet site, you will discover that Achi's ultimate goal is to join the Likud. Who knows? Maybe the party's leader will find a good position there?

The therapy that Achi prescribes for the paralysis of the National Union party is 'democracy.' Achi has misled the public, creating the impression that they are registering for the National Union when in truth, Achi is just one quarter of the party. But if many people register for Achi, Eitam will win leadership of the National Union in democratic primaries. And then? He will join the Likud.

A leader must propose a principled path and leadership. After that, he can turn to the public for support. Effie Eitam and his supporters are fooling themselves and the public. Just like the public was led in a pointless march around Kfar Maimon instead of being led to dare and to triumph, Eitam and his supporters once again lead a futile march inside the political system.

Manhigut Yehudit calls on Effie Eitam to join us. True, in the Likud, we have been forced to leave the familiar comfort of the 'Judean State.' But we are in the place where the entire National Camp shares responsibility for determining Israel's future leadership. All the miniscule differences between the four parties that make up the National Union evaporate when the goal is to lead the Nation of Israel to its Jewish destiny. It is high time to leave our private swimming pools and to jump into the great sea. We at Manhigut Yehudit have already taken the plunge. We invite you to join us. We'll be happy to help.

Check out Manhigut Yehudit, if they appeal to you..
Email me....We have much work to do!

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