February 28, 2011

Israel bashers could have taken Israel's democratic experiment to the Arab world.

They warned us. The geniuses at Peace Now warned us. The brilliant diplomats warned us. The think tanks warned us. Even the Arab dictators warned us. For decades now, they have been warning us that if you want "peace in the Middle East," just fix the Palestinian problem. A recent variation on this theme has been: Just get the Jews to stop building apartments in East Jerusalem and Efrat. Yes, if all those Jews in the West Bank and East Jerusalem would only "freeze" their construction, then, finally, Palestinian leaders might come to the table and peace might break out.

And what would happen if peace would break out between Jews and Palestinians? Would all those furious Arabs now demonstrating on streets across the Middle East feel any better?

What bloody nonsense.

Has there ever been a greater abuse of the English language in international diplomacy than calling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the "Middle East peace process?" As if there were only two countries in the Middle East.

Even if you absolutely believe in the imperative of creating a Palestinian state, you can't tell me that the single-minded and global obsession with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the expense of the enormous ills in the rest of the Middle East hasn't been idiotic, if not criminally negligent.

While tens of millions of Arabs have been suffering for decades from brutal oppression, while writers jailed and women humiliated and dissidents killed, the world -- yes, the world -- has obsessed with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As if Palestinians -- the same coddled victims on whom the world has spent billions and who have rejected one peace offer after another -- were the only victims in the Middle East.

As if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has anything to do with the 1,000-year-old bloody conflict between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, or the desire of brutal Arab dictators to stay in power, or the desire of Islamist radicals to bring back the Caliphate, or the economic despair of millions, or simply the absence of free speech or basic human rights throughout the Arab world.

While self-righteous Israel bashers have scrutinized every flaw in Israel's democracy -- some waxing hysterical that the Jewish democratic experiment in the world's nastiest neighborhood had turned into an embarrassment -- they kept their big mouths shut about the oppression of millions of Arabs throughout the Middle East.

They cried foul if Israeli Arabs -- who have infinitely more rights and freedoms than any Arabs in the Middle East -- had their rights compromised in any way. But if a poet were jailed in Jordan or a gay man were tortured in Egypt or a woman were stoned in Syria, all we heard was screaming silence.

Think of the ridiculous amount of media ink and diplomatic attention that has been poured onto the Israel-Palestinian conflict over the years, while much of the Arab world was suffering and smoldering, and tell me this is not criminal negligence. Do you ever recall seeing a UN resolution or an international conference in support of Middle Eastern Arabs not named Palestinians?

Of course, now that the Arab volcano has finally erupted, all those chronic Israel bashers have suddenly discovered a new cause: Freedom for the poor oppressed Arabs of the Middle East!

Imagine if, instead of putting Israel under their critical and hypocritical microscope, the world's Israel bashers had taken Israel's imperfect democratic experiment and said to the Arab world: Why don't you try to emulate the Jews?

Why don't you give equal rights to your minorities, just like Israel does?

Why don't you give your people the same freedom of speech and freedom to vote that Israel does? And offer them the economic opportunities they would get in Israel? Why don't you treat your Jewish and Christian citizens the same way Israel treats its Arab and Christian citizens?

Why don't you study how Israel has struggled to balance religion with democracy -- a very difficult but not insurmountable task?

Why don't you teach your people that Jews are not the sons of dogs but a noble, ancient people with a 3,000-year connection to the land of Israel?

Yes, imagine if Israel bashers had spent a fraction of their energy fighting the lies of Arab dictators and defending the rights of millions of oppressed Arabs.

Maybe it's just easier to beat up on a free and open society like Israel.

Well, now that the cesspool of human oppression in the Arab world has been opened for all to see, how bad is Israel's democracy looking? Don't you wish the Arab world had a modicum of Israel's civil society? Would you still be worrying about "stability in the Middle East?"

You can preach to me all you want about the great Jewish tradition of self-criticism -- which I believe in -- but right now, when I see poor Arab souls being murdered for the simple act of protesting on the street, I've never felt more proud of being a supporter of the Jewish state.

February 26, 2011

Jackie Mason - Tells it like it is!

 Jackie Mason 2009 Vlog #2 As many Muslim enemies that Israel has, the most dangerous enemy is the apathy and criticism of Liberal Jews both over there and here in the United States.


Why Live In E”Y?

As global events get crazier and scarier, many in the Moshiach blogosphere are issuing dire warnings to the Jews who live in America. Some are expressly or impliedly stating that being in E”Y during the End of Days will be physically safer than America.
The truth is, nobody really knows where they should be to physically safe and survive.  It is almost perfectly clear from sources that at least some remnant of Jews living outside E”Y will survive the End of Days. It is also clear that, unless we do sufficient tshuva, Jews living in E”Y also face physical suffering (G-d forbid).
In my opinion, the only real choice a person has is the place where one will die – outside the land, or in the land. And Chazal is very clear that it is preferable to die in E”Y than outside of it.
Be Honest About It
In terms of right or wrong – if it IS a mitzvah to dwell in the land, then it is the “right” thing to do, or, at a minimum, to strive and long to do.
Its hard for me to understand those who claim it is not a mitzvah to live in E”Y. The great mystic, the Ramban, lists it as one of the 613 mitzvot. The great rationalist, the Rambam, does not list is as one of the 613 mitzvot but states clearly that a person should live in E”Y, even in a city where they majority of people are gentile. And he forbids leaving E”Y except in a few limited circumstances.
In my opinion, those who claim it is not a mitzvah to live in E”Y are rationalizing – so many people I talk to love to hold by the Ramban when it comes to being mystical and kabbalistic, but scream “Rambam, Rambam” as a “proof” that living E”Y is not a mitzvah. Let’s be honest people!
That said, if a person feels that moving to E”Y is unfeasible because of their personal situation, they should always strive to get there, as if they don’t have a pair of tefillin to wear and strive and long for a set, or a person doesn’t have an esrog for Succot but they strive and yearn for one.
Primary Urgency – To Live In The King’s Palace
And importantly, even if it is arguably unclear whether Yishuv E”Y is a mitzvah, Chazal is very clear that E”Y is the place for a Jew to get as close to G-d as possible. To claim otherwise flies in the face of myriad statements of Chazal.
In my view, the primary urgency should be the urgency to strive to get as close to HaShem as possible and thus, live in the King’s Palace, E”Y. This primary urgency is the main reason why a person should want to live in E”Y.
If a secondary urgency is the feeling that E”Y might be physically safer during the End of Days, then this doubled urgency can help push a person over the obstacles and make aliyah. But nobody is doing anything wrong for not feeling this secondary urgency (although its hard for me to understand how a thinking person cannot feel it).
But if a person does not feel the primary urgency, then, frankly, examination of one’s hashkofah through independent analysis of relevant sources in Chazal and the early Rishonim is in order.
“If I forget thee, Yerushalyim . . . “

February 21, 2011

If the Egyptians Abrogate the "Peace Treaty"...

If the Egyptians Abrogate the "Peace Treaty" will the war resume?

Will Israel simply go an retake the Sinai, since it was Israel's won in the War?

What will Bibi do?

What will the Knesset do?

By removing the peace treaty...is that an act of war?

The Arabs of Judea and Samaria Are Intensifying Efforts to Take Control of Lands

February 17, 2011
The Arabs of Judea and Samaria Are Intensifying Efforts to Take Control of Lands
by Hagai Huberman

[Posted in Hebrew on Arutz 7 and translated as a public service by
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)]

As part of the Palestinian plan to take control of [Area] C, the Arabs
are intensifying their activity on the lands in additional areas,
toward the unilateral establishment of a state

The assessment in Central Command is that in the coming months the
land disputes in Judea and Samaria between the Arabs and the Jewish
settlements in Judea and Samaria will increase, as part of the
Palestinian plan. A senior officer in the Central Command says that
the Arabs are intensifying their activity on the lands in Area C to
take control of additional areas, toward the unilateral establishment
of a Palestinian state in the summer.

Senior IDF officers define what is happening in the realm of lands in
Judea and Samaria as "competition" between the settlers and the Arabs:
who will seize more territory. The Palestinian policy, [sources] in
the defense system say, is based today on 6 principles:

The first - violence is out of bounds, The Palestinian security
systems are effectively fighting terror elements in Judea and Samaria,
in cooperation with the IDF and the GSS. And there are successes.

The second - that ensues from the first - war with Hamas is in the
interest of the Palestinian Authority, in order to prevent it from
recycling its success in the [Gaza] Strip in Judea and Samaria as
well, and from taking control of the territory as it did in the Gaza

The third - maintaining international relations on the highest level,
including a serious investment of time and money in this, in order to
bring about international support for the unilateral declaration of a
Palestinian state. An investment has to be made in this. No
international support comes by itself. Every visit has to be done
properly, so they'll see governance and state building.

The fourth - maintaining law and order. In this area the [Israeli]
security system identifies phenomena that did not exist in the past.
The Authority is intensifying the observance of traffic laws: the ban
on using a cellular phone while driving, the wearing of seat belts.
The security system is flooded with reports of the maintaining of law
and order, at times with excessive harshness. Anyone who honks in
Manara Square in Ramallah receives a fine of 200 shekels.

The fifth - building a state for ourselves. This is not only Fayyad's
economic plan. In the Authority they are building all the institutions
of the "state in the making" today: courts, unprecedented
infrastructure projects in the spheres of education, health, etc. The
sixth principle states that all five of the preceding principles are
detached from the negotiations track with Israel. If there will be
negotiations that lead to a state - fine and well, If there are no
negotiations - we will continue to act unilaterally.

In contrast, [sources] in the [Israeli] security system note that
recently they identify in the Palestinian public voices critical of
the economic program of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Recently, angry
voices were heard regarding the rise in the prices of vegetables. Even
the paucity of rain resulted in an economic problem: people simply
didn't buy winter clothing this year, and harmed the income of the
shopkeepers. In Ramallah the Palestinian Authority sought to help out
the inhabitants, and renovated a road. They apparently learned from
Israel, since at the beginning of the works a sign was erected at the
site that stated: "Here the road is being renovated with the financing
of the Palestinian Authority. The work will end on [the date]. Be
patient." But the workers didn't meet the original timetable, and the
public grumbled: Why were you late? This makes noise for us. We have
no patience.

The Authority, on its part, gives the public freedom, but enables it
to express its frustration only on topics that are within the
Palestinian consensus, such as the struggle in Bil'in against the
wall. This is in addition to further steps: one of the Palestinian
governors recently decided to have an open door to the public: whoever
has problems knocks on the door, goes in, and complains and requests.
This is a new procedure, that did not exist until now in the
Authority. The security system noted that the Palestinian Authority
frequently engages in regulation vis-a-vis the public. If you have a
problem of an illegal house, you call the Planning Department and
request the legalization of the house, so that it won't have any stain
of illegality. In northern Samaria they recently inaugurated the
connection of the village of Umm Reihan to the electric grid, with the
assistance of the Civil Administration. The main thing is that people
will be satisfied.

The Land-Grab Competition in Judea/Samaria

The Land-Grab Competition in Judea/Samaria
February 17, 2011
by Hillel Fendel, Israelnationalnews.com

(Israelnationalnews.com) IDF Central Command officers ­ whose
jurisdiction includes Judea and Samaria ­ say that in the coming
months, Arabs will step up their efforts to take over lands in the
region. Similarly, they predict, land disputes will occur more
frequently ­ and all this, the Arabs hope, will help them grab more
land for the state they would like to unilaterally establish later
this year.

Correspondent Haggai Huberman reports that army officers describe the
situation as a “competition” between Jews and Arabs as to who can grab
more land. The PA is reportedly making efforts in many directions to
prepare for the establishment of a state ­ including fighting
terrorism, building their infrastructures and institutions, and
cracking down on law and order.

Jews Fight Back, Despite Odds
The land-grab competition cards are stacked against the Jews, for
Arabs build wherever they want with barely any fear that their
construction will be considered illegal, and even less concern that it
will be razed. Despite this, Jews are fighting back where they can. In
the Shomron (Samaria) and Binyamin, efforts are being made to save
Jewish state-owned lands, though the organizers do not wish to discuss
them in detail. "Suffice it to say that we are saving thousands of
dunams throughout the Shomron," one source said, "firstly by
protecting against Arab infiltration, and secondly via Jewish

In Gush Etzion, Women in Green has succeeded on its own in redeeming
40 dunams (10 acres) of land in Netzer, between Alon Shvut and Elazar
­ and has plans to redeem another 70. “But the problem is, of course,
money,” says Nadia Matar, co-organizer of the efforts.

“In 2008,” she told Israel National News, “[PA chairman] Mahmoud Abbas
publicized his plan to take over all of Judea and Samaria by planting
a million saplings. A year and a half later, [PA prime minister Salam]
Fayyad said they would plant ten million. A few days ago, Aaron Lerner
of IMRA disseminated a speech by Fayyad in Tul Karem in which he said
straight out that the war at present is for Area C.”  [Area C, as
defined by the Oslo Accords, is the area of Judea and Samaria that
remains under total Israeli control; Area A is under total PA control,
and Area B is controlled militarily by Israel and administratively by
the PA.]

Fayyad also called in his speech for increased Arab farming of these
areas, “as well as international help with the specific purpose of
creating a state of Palestine, Heaven forbid,” Matar said.

“We have been fighting this fight in Netzer for the past two years,”
she added, “and we call on everyone to save all State-lands in Area C
that have not yet been stolen by the Arabs. We have many people who
want to help, including from the Galilee, but this work needs to be
funded ­ tractor work to clear the area, planting, connecting to
water, etc. Every dunam [quarter-acre] costs $3,000 a year for water,
upkeep, saplings, tractors, and the like... Most of the lands that are
still available ­ that have not yet been stolen by the Arabs - are in
mountainous areas, and much tractor work is necessary to straighten

“This is work that the government should be doing ­ saving State-owned
lands for the future of the Jewish People. But in the meanwhile, we
have to depend on good Jews to help fund us.”

"Every town and community should get a map of the State-owned lands in
their area," Matar says, "and should organize themselves, go out,
guard the area, plant it, and then work the land. Otherwise, Heaven
forbid, our Jewish areas will become isolated enclaves and we will be
choked in a sea of Arabs. We have to recognize our power to change
reality; we can do it!”

Mandate For Palestine!

The "Mandate for Palestine" an historical League of Nations document, laid down the Jewish legal right under international law to settle anywhere in western Palestine, the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an entitlement unaltered in international law. Fifty-one member countries - the entire League of Nations - unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:

"Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country."

On June 30, 1922, a joint resolution of both Houses of Congress of the United States unanimously endorsed the "Mandate for Palestine":

"Favoring the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.

This is enough to give control of the Temple Mount to the Chief Rabbi of either Israel or Jerusalem...

What are we waiting for? This should be done immediately, with no warning. The IDF needs to go in and clear out the squatters and be done with it. Perhaps Israel needs a few crazy Arab "demonstrators" of her own, Eh?

February 17, 2011

Turmoil in the Middle East: My Take - By Naomi Ragen

Turmoil in the Middle East: My Take
By Naomi Ragen

Instead of bombarding you with daily hand-wringing over the situation in the
Middle East, I decided to wait it out so as not to imitate certain
journalists and world leaders (who shall remain nameless) who were taking
sides before even knowing what that meant. I think now, with Mubarak
apparently gone, that there are certain things that are possible to say:

1. The people of Egypt, like all the peoples of the Middle East save for
Israel, were mired in a political system that was corrupt and which did not
allow them to pursue life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness. There is no
way for an Egyptian to start a business or get the financial means to marry
without bribes and years of horrifying bureaucratic nightmares. That was and
has always been the reason for instability in the Middle East. This, not
Israel, is probably the leading cause for the rise of Muslim fanatics and
terror organizations that are destroying the peace of the whole world.
Unfortunately, this fact is something the democracies have long ignored.
This is a wake-up call for them. Let's see if they sleep through it.

2. Mubarak has always kept Egypt's treaties Israel. For that, the people of
Israel are grateful. We are also grateful that he did what needed to be
done to control the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood. Founded in Egypt in
1928 to promote sharia law, it created a military wing which had close links
to the Nazis during the 1930s, when the Brotherhood was involved in spying,
sabotage and support for the terrorist activities of Haj Amin el-Hussaini
in British
Mandate Palestine. The Brotherhood disseminated Hitler's Mein Kampf and The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion widely in Arab translations,

Douglas E. Schoen, adviser to four former Israeli Prime Ministers over the
last 30 years, wrote in a Fox News editorial that if elections are held in
Egypt now, there is a fifty percent chance of the Muslim Brotherhood taking
over the country. For Israel, that would be a nightmare. We can only hope
against hope that the true will of the people who started this revolt to
make better lives for themselves and their families will not allow one
dictatorship to replace another, leading to a war that will no doubt prove
disastrous for everyone.

3. The White House, in this terrible time of uncertainty and change in the
Middle East, has been confused to say the least, and dangerously
wrong-headed. Encouraging the protesters, then siding with Mubarak, then
welcoming Mubarak's ouster just before Mubarak declared he wasn't leaving
has left us in Israel shaking our heads. With this kind of instability in
Washington, where is the strong ally we pretend we have?

4. Caroline Glick's article
out that while the White House was sleeping, Pakistan, which receives more
U.S. dollars than any other country on earth, has DOUBLED its atomic arsenal
and has begun testing long range missiles, is a must read. While the White
House has banned all terminology relating to a war on terror, and President
Obama is calling for 2 billion dollars of ADDITIONAL AID to Pakistan, a
half in the power of the Taliban at this point, how will this play out if
the Muslim Brotherhood takes over Egypt?

5. I see hopeful signs in the speech of British Prime Minister David
Cameron in which he backed up PM Merkel's admission that multiculturalism in
Europe has failed, warning Muslim groups that if they fail to endorse
women's rights or promote integration, they will lose all government
funding. This realism is reassuring.

It is my hope that the democracies will get stronger. The only way that can
happen is if people vote out dangerously delusional leaders with their head
in the sand and ideological rhetoric in their mouths. The only way that can
happen is if people abandon their bandwagon mentality, and stop waiting for
New York Times to tell them who to vote for. Reality is going to get a lot
more real, even for the most dim-witted ideologues. Let us hope that our
future leadership
is not from their blinded ranks.


The Surprised and the Amazed: By Moshe Feiglin

The Surprised and the Amazed: By Moshe Feiglin

13 Shvat, 5771
Feb. 17, '11

Why didn't Mubarak send in the tanks? Why didn't Tahrir Square turn into Tiananmen Square? Is the Egyptian regime less cruel than its Chinese counterpart?

How is it that all the dictatorships in the Arab world have suddenly gotten weak in the knees over unarmed civilians doing nothing more than demonstrating? After all, the regime is all-powerful; they have built their security forces over decades in concentric circles so that the inner circle will owe its existence and power to the ruler and will always do his bidding. And if the need will arise, it will always force the ruler's will on one circle after the next until it reaches the very last citizen. What brought about the collapse of all these mechanisms of oppression?

We all look on in amazement as history unfolds before our very eyes. Nevertheless, we must differentiate between the amazed and the surprised. When rightist former MK Geulah Cohen stood up in the Knesset thirty years ago and spoke of the aliyah of millions of Jews from the USSR, current President Shimon Peres mocked her and said that she was hallucinating. When the Camp David Accords were signed, there were those who promised eternal peace, while others warned that war was just a question of time and the risk and price were not worth the return. And then came the Oslo Accords, when the "surprised camp" euphorically reveled in the New Middle East and World Peace, while the "amazed camp" went out into the streets to warn of the national catastrophe. Why are all the wise men - all the foreign affairs commentators, former ambassadors and professors - always surprised, while the regular people look on in amazement, but are not surprised in the least?

The answer is simple. The "surprised camp" is the camp of the utopian hallucinators that detached itself from reality - the Holy One, Blessed Be He. They pretend to create reality themselves and when that doesn't happen, they are surprised.

The "amazed camp" is made up of the people connected to reality. These are the people who knew that the Egyptian regime was a dictatorship that would fall sooner or later. They knew that the all-out war between decadent and decaying Europe and the sword of Islam would not be settled with the Western-style democratization of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. They are the same people who, even at the entrance to Auschwitz, knew that one day the Jewish Nation would return to its Land, as the Creator had promised. They did not know how it would happen, just as we do not know how the Jewish State with Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as its spiritual center will take shape and form. What we do know is that it will happen and that it is more certain than all the learned pontifications of the "surprised camp." We stand amazed as we watch the tapestry unfold, just as Eliezer the servant of Abraham watched in amazement as Rebecca drew water for him, understanding that G-d had crowned his journey with success.

What is causing the revolutions taking place before our eyes?

Sovereignty in any type of regime is always in the hands of the nation. When the nation does not view the leader as being legitimate, all the mechanisms propping up the regime are of no avail. They will all collapse like a house of cards. This is true for dictatorships and democracies alike. The difference is that in democracies, a mechanism is in place for the orderly transition of government. Often, the regime will manipulate democracy to fool the public and into thinking that it chose the existing regime and that it desires its rule - even though nothing could be farther from the truth. These tricks can postpone the revolution - but they cannot prevent it.

Here in Israel, we are somewhere in the middle. Israel is not a dictatorship by its simple definition. It has broad freedom of speech. But where the borders of freedom of speech end, democracy also ends and turns out to be a dangerous illusion. And woe to he or she who expresses an opinion that is beyond the limits set by the Israeli Thought Police.

We live in a dictatorship of thoughts, constantly under the watchful eye of the Thought Police. It is not easy to sense our dictatorship. That is why people in Israel are not demonstrating in the city squares. But the suffocation feels the same - the suffocation that doesn't even have a Tahrir Square to light up the end of the tunnel.

But there is something we must remember: The Egyptians did not go out to the streets because their economy was bad. Is the average Egyptian worse off now than he was five years ago? All the attempts to explain the revolution in Egypt with one reason or another do not adequately explain what happened. It isn't the economy, not the oppression, not Facebook and not Twitter. It is simply the Divine removal of the legitimacy of the regime. While it may seem overly simplistic to say that the revolution in Egypt was Divinely inspired, that is the basic truth.

Does this mean that we can go home and wait until G-d hands us the leadership on a silver platter? Certainly not. We must be on the playing field, in the best shape possible and completely prepared. But we must understand that the necessary process of faith-based revolution - a process that will surely occur, for we have no other option - has its own timetable that is not dependant upon us.

We will do our part and when the time comes, the legitimacy will be taken from the current regime, will return to the nation and from there to the faith-based leadership that it deserves. We must take the responsibility to prepare for that day and pray that it happens soon.

February 16, 2011

Iranian Warships - Suez Canal - Is all H#ll about to break loose?

Holy crap if I look at Ynet, it appears that the war is imminent!

Iran is trying to use the unrest in Egypt etc for a diversion to rachet up the pressure in the Middle East.

I don't understand why they would do this unless they have a deliverable Nuke ready. They would otherwise simply want to keep buying time until they were in a position to
attack with or without provocation!

February 14, 2011

Warning Sign?

The idea that a new government in Egypt might simply cancel Egypt's Peace Agreement with Israel has been greeted with disinterest by both the international community and the U.S. administration. It is a worrisome warning sign. Especially about the durability of any deal cut with the Palestinians.

February 13, 2011

No Entry for Jews?

(This is how sick the Israeli Government is)

Two days ago, Friday, February 11, on the eve of the Shabbat of the
portion of Tetzaveh, security forces, army and police, prevented a
group of dozens of Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
members from touring the Crusader neighborhood in Hebron, that is
located less than 100 meters from the Cave of Machpelah.

As part of the movement's monthly tours in the area of Judea and
Samaria, this time under the headline: "You have three places
regarding which the nations of the world cannot defraud Israel and
say, You are thieves: the Cave of Machpelah, the tomb of Joseph, and
the Temple," dozens of participants came to Hevron from Jerusalem,
Beit Shemesh, Maaleh Adumim, Modi'in, Efrat, Gush Etzion, and Kiriat

The tour began at the Cave of Machpelah, where the guide, Aryeh Klein,
explained the cardinal importance of Hebron as the place of the Jewish
people's first acquisition in Eretz Israel. Abraham purchased, not
only the cave to bury his wife Sarah, but also the surrounding field,
thereby acquiring a possession for the Jewish people in its land.

After the tour of the Cave of Machpelah, the group wanted to enter the
nearby Crusader neighborhood. This is a neighborhood that until
recently was neglected, and inhabited by only a few individual Arab
families. Recently, however, much money flowed there from European
countries in order to renovate the quarter, to bring in hundreds of
families of released terrorists, all for the purpose of driving a
wedge between Kiriat Arba and ancient Hebron. Noam Arnon explained
during the tour that if, Heaven forbid, this plan for populating the
quarter were to come to fruition, it would be a ticking bomb.

At the beginning of the week leaders of the Women in Green movement
informed the IDF of the intention to tour that quarter, and received a
negative answer. Indeed, large IDF and police forces stood at the
entrance and prevented the group from going in. Yehudit Katsover and
Nadia Matar, in the name of the entire group, protested this disgrace
and humiliation. "How is it possible that the Spanish Foreign Minister
could tour here last week, but not us? Instead of allocating so many
security forces to prevent us from entering the neighborhood, allocate
these forces to provide security for the tour, which is only a
five-minute long tour of the quarter - less than 200 meters long - in
Area C, which is under Israeli control. Now we have learned that there
is no point in requesting permission. So don't be surprised if our
youth tour the hills of Judea and Samaria without asking for
permission, because every request for permission is refused. We
promise to return to the quarter, without asking for a permit, without
informing you, and tour in it."

Details about the upcoming tour of the quarter will be publicized shortly.

After the protest, the group continued as planned and went to see the
"Stakes in Hebron" exhibition in the Machpela Visitors' Center - an
exhibition of historical photographs taken by Gershon Ellison on the
beginnings of the renewed settlement in Hebron after 1967. The message
of the exhibition is clear: to take the initiative, to push, to
advance, to do, to establish facts on the ground, and to struggle.

The struggle for the land of Israel continues today.

With G-d's help, by the merit of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs who are
buried in Hebron, and by the merit of all the pioneers, the successors
of Caleb son of Jephunneh, "We will certainly go up, and we shall gain
possession of it, for we shall surely overcome it" (Numbers 13:30).

For details: Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 and Nadia Matar 050-5500834

February 12, 2011

Iranium - The Movie A MUST SEE!!!

Iran’s nuclear program presents a threat to international stability. Yet successive American administrations—Republican and Democratic alike—have misread the intentions and actions of the Iranian regime.

How dangerous is a nuclear Iran, even if it never detonates a weapon? What are the guiding principles of the Iranian leadership? To what lengths would the regime go to carry out its agenda? How far have Iran’s leaders already gone to fund the world’s most powerful terrorist organizations? And why have American leaders failed to gain the upper hand in relations with Iran during the past 30 years?

In approximately 60 minutes, Iranium powerfully reports on the many aspects of the threat America and the world now face using rarely-before seen footage of Iranian leaders, and interviews with 25 leading politicians, Iranian dissidents, and experts on: Middle East policy, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation.


February 11, 2011

Is the Middle East Imploding?

Are the forces of the Muslim/Arab/Nazi's starting to make a push to take over all of these Arab Countries with protests and "unrest" or are the populations of these Countries really trying to follow Tunisia?

Either way Israel is in the middle and rightfully remains quiet....unlike to Muslim in the White house that just can't back off.

Is Mubarak headed to Florida for his payoff at this very moment?

We shall see.


The real right of return!

February 10, 2011

The illusion of Arab-Jewish coexistence is a delusion that leads directly to tragedy.

Arabs and Jews (1976)

The illusion of Arab-Jewish coexistence is a delusion that leads directly to tragedy. On the one hand, it is patently false. On the other, it encourages mad policies on the part of the Israeli government. Thus, we find that a group of yeshiva students travelled to the Galilee village of Peki’in to pray at several sacred sites. What makes Peki’in special is that never since the destruction of the Second Temple was it empty of Jews. Throughout the long exile there were always Jews in this small place and, today, one lone family remains, a father and his unmarried daughter.

When the students came, they were met with stones by the local Arabs and Druze. They were forced to call the police and leave. When the Arabs were asked why they had stoned the Jews they replied that they feared that they had come to settle there … [Sounds familiar? Today, Jan 23, 2011, apartment buildings for Jews are being built starting a new Jewish neighborhood in Jaffe. This led to a huge, loud and angry Arab demonstration in Jaffe, with shouts of “We don’t want Jews in our neighborhood.” BG]

This is the truth of Arab-Jewish coexistence and the tragedy of the Jewish policy of illusion. In the JEWISH state, Arabs have reached the point of chutzpah and gall when they can stone Jews and openly explain that they feared that the Jews might try to settle in their village. There is NO Arab village in the JEWISH state and the Arabs live in the JEWISH homeland by sufferance of the Jews. For them to have the brazenness to question Jewish rights is both symptomatic of their true feelings as well as the result of the timid and frightened “non-policy” of fear of what the world will say, that has led to an incredible decision to place two soldiers on trial in connection with the death of two Arabs killed in rioting against Jewish sovereignty. Both deaths occurred as Arab mobs, encouraged by Jewish weakness and hesitation, stoned Israeli troops, threw Molotov cocktails at them and tried to cause conditions of anarchy and revolt that would eventually force Jews to retreat from Judea and Samaria.

Both deaths occurred as Israeli soldiers were attacked and tried to put down the revolt. At first, the government refused to put soldiers who were facing an enemy committed to wiping out the Jewish state, on trial. Now, under pressure, they have agreed. The result will be that any soldier will hesitate before firing and will fear the consequences of his doing what any normal soldier should do. The result will be that the Arabs will know this and be encouraged. The result is that, once again, capitulation to the Arabs will breed more arrogance, more demands, more revolt.

K A H A N E”
The magazine of the authentic Jewish Idea

September 1976 – Elul 5736

[All the above we are suffering today. BG]

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February 3, 2011

Election Trap

Here in Israel, we are seeing idealistic and optimistic Egyptians being interviewed by Israeli reporters at demonstrations in Cairo. I couldn't understand why those inspiring and pro-democracy interviews seemed both familiar and sad.
And then it hit me. 1984. The barrier between Israel and Lebanon had been replaced by a "Good Fence" gate. Lebanese citizens flooded into Israel. We saw idealistic and optimistic Lebanese being interviewed by Israeli reporters. We were all thrilled with the prospects for peace and real change. But I remember one depressing interview. A Lebanese schoolteacher said that he was visiting Israel while it was "still" possible to do so.

The Good Fence is now a barrier between Israel and the forces of Hezbollah, the Islamist Iranian puppet in Lebanon.