June 2, 2009

(Bibi VS. Obama) - Round 1

The rumor is that BHO let Bibi know, that in order to continue having the USA votes in the UN remainin Israel's favor, Israel needs to freeze all new Jewish Communities.

It is far past time for Israel to pay attention to any world leaders, except for THE WORLD LEADER. HaShem will dictate the course of Israel's future and it may already be written.

If the Jewish leadership in Israel pays attention to anyone but HaShem...they are not the "Jewish" leaders.

It is time to work Teshuva and prepare for the redemption!


  1. "to freeze all new Jewish Communities" (Avi)

    israeli settlements

  2. They are part of Israel, bound by the laws etc. They are communities where Jews have returned. There was always a Jewish presence in all of Israel and communities expand or dwindle and then if the circumstances dictate return...

