February 16, 2015

MK Moshe Feiglin: If You Have to Shoot, Shoot. Don't Talk

MK Moshe Feiglin: If You Have to Shoot, Shoot. Don't Talk

“Where are our previous prime ministers, Ben Gurion, Eshkol and Begin?” MK Moshe Feiglin asked on Tuesday. “None of them had a particularly high rank in the army. But when they were faced with a strategic threat they knew how to act – and not talk. Ben Gurion established the Israel Defense Forces and the State of Israel – despite the opposition and embargo of the US. Eshkol embarked on the Six Day War and conquered the Sinai, the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza – again, despite the opposition and embargo of the US. Begin destroyed the Iraqi nuclear reactor despite (surprise, surprise) the opposition of the US.

“If you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.”  That is the simple principle that Begin remembered when he destroyed the nuclear installation in Iraq – and that Netanyahu has forgotten in Iran. It is not the speech in Congress that is detrimental. Every additional speech adds to the damage,” said MK Moshe Feiglin.

“Where are all those ex-prime ministers, who didn’t make speeches in the Congress?” Feiglin concluded.

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