There are many crimes committed by Muslim countries,
Islamic organizations and ordinary Muslims around the world. Many of them are
ignored in of offending the Muslim population, which is quite skillful in manipulating
public opinion, using fake Western political correctness.
Any action or even protest against Islamic barbarism
is impaired by one ‘major’ goal - assisting Arabs in destruction of the Jewish
state, Israel and it has nothing to do with the Western dependency
on Arab oil. Unfortunately, this is the main preoccupation of the most
anti-Semitic governments since the end of the World War II.
Most Western countries pretend that they are serious
about one Islamic crime only - the ‘War on Terror’, ignoring the multitude of
barbaric and inhuman crimes! This is incomplete list of crimes that have being
perpetrated in the name of Islam:
1. Hate
and hostility toward all infidels without discrimination.
2. Systematic
discrimination, ethnic cleansing and even genocides committed against
3. Destruction
of the archeological and historical heritage of non-Muslim cultures.
4. Perpetual
hate and fighting between the major Islamic sects, Shi’ites
and Sunnis.
5. Discrimination
and persecution of minor Muslim sects, like Sufis and others.
6. Destruction
of Islamic archeological and cultural heritage if it is non-compliant with the
strict interpretation of Koran by modern Islamist groups.
7. Production
and world-wide distribution of heroin and other illicit drugs.
8. Unfair
treatment and abuse of foreign workers in Arab countries.
9. Inhumane
treatment of women.
a. Forced
marriage and selling
of young girls into marriage
b. Performing
FGM - Female Genital Mutilation
c. “Honor
killings” and gang rapes
d. Denying
education for girls
10. Widespread
abuse and rape of children.
11. Slavery
- abduction and/or buying people.
12. Killing
those who try to leave Islam or converted to Christianity
13. Last,
but not least - financing, propagating, harboring global Islamic terrorism
which is based on ideology of Wahabism, world
domination of Islam!
There are other issues like: poverty, corruption,
lack of general education, poor health care, and unsafe working environment,
which are just additional problems that are not addressed and resolved by
governments of Muslim countries due to the ingrained Islamic culture of
corruption and disrespect.
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