January 6, 2014

Obama's Last Chance - Israel

Obama's failures mean the only place he has to turn is the ME and Israel.

We know that Obama is a HUGE anti-Semite.
We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure with ALL of his domestic issues.

We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure with Benghazi.

We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure with his political appointees.

We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure with the A.C.A. (Obamacare)

We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure in job creation

We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure in fixing social programs.

We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure in maintaining the status of the office of the POTUS.

We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure in the economy.

We know that Obama has been a HUGE failure protecting the office of the Presidency 

And so on and so on....

Obama's reputation is so damaged, that the only place he has to turn that he has not finished mucking up yet is Israel. 

Be afraid of the desperation of a failed POTUS, grasping at straws....

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