The horror show as displayed by Arab Knesset members, during a recent Interior Committee session regarding the right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, was business as usual.
The general public may see these MKs as uncultured and unmannered hooligans. There are actually a few Arab MKs who fit that description, but since I have been in the Knesset I have learned that most of them are cultured people. Some are even friendly and well mannered.
But when the cameras roll – particularly the Arab media cameras – they all try to outdo the obnoxiousness of Ahmad Tibi (Ta’al). They shout, curse, and make a jungle-like ruckus. Why do they act this way? Why do the Arab MKs go wild when they think their constituents can see them? Is this a testimony to the low level of their voter base, or to something deeper?
In private conversations with me, quite a few Arab citizens have admitted their discomfort with this behavior. The intelligent Arab public understands very well that Ahmad Tibi does not bring them great honor. Tibi is a hooligan, riddled with inferiority complexes, but he is not stupid. So why does he act this way?
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