(Change Iraq to Iran and 1990
to 2012)
The Rabbis tell us that Gog will rise up against Israel
in order to do war against the G-d of Israel.
The ultimate Hillul Hashem.
And, indeed, until the Jew understands that the war against Ishmael and ultimately
the world, is a war of Judaism, of the G-d of Israel, against the nations and
their religions and beliefs, a war to proclaim the G-d of Israel as King, as
the One and only G-d, we will never understand any of the events that are
taking place around us.
We do, indeed, not understand. Worse, we do not want to
understand. Having been conquered and
subjugated by the gentilized Foreign Culture, such talk sounds to us as
“medieval” and “primitive” and “tribalistic” and, of course, “Khoumeinism.” Alas, the Ishmaelites, the Muslims understand
it only too well and Saddam, whether through belief or cynical politics, used
it and proclaimed it in his proclamation calling for a holy war:
“To all Arabs and Muslims masses wherever they are – save
Mecca and the Tomb of the Prophet from occupation . . .
“The imperialists, deviators, merchants, political agents,
the servants of the foreigner and Zionism all stood up against Iraq only
because it represents the conscience of the Arab nation and its ability to
safeguard its honor and rights against any harm.
“Iraq, O Arabs, is your Iraq... It is the candle of the
right to snuff out darkness…
“O Arabs, O Muslims and believers everywhere. This is your day to rise and defend Mecca,
which is captured by the spears of the Americans and Zionists.
“Strike at their interests everywhere. Save Mecca and the Tomb of Prophet Mohammed
in Medina…
“Victory is ours, God willing, and the invaders will be
repelled and with them oppression and corruption everywhere and the sun will
shine forever on the Arab and Muslim nations…”
This is what Gog is all about, This is the beginning of the final era and
the lessons of the events of our time can be summed up in one general cry:
“Return unto Me, saith the L-rd of Hosts, and I will return unto you”
(Zechariah 1); “Return unto Me, ye backsliding children, I will heal your
backslidings.” That is the lesson of
lessons, and from it all the others, the individual lessons are to be learned.
The events surrounding the Iraqi attack and conquest of
Kuwait are things to be studied, learned, to be engraved on the tablet of our
hearts. For there are so many lessons to
be learned here, so many lessons that the Almighty pleads with us to learned
before terrible tragedy strikes.
ONE: The Arab
world is populated with people who are filled with hate and cruelty, ambition
for power and lust for ascendancy. They
are people for whom truth, a promise and pledge are totally meaningless things,
without the slightest moral or ethical value, meant to be used as weapons and
means to achieve whatever goal strikes the fancy at that time. The fact is that whatever the Iraqis said and
did was part of one huge tissue of lies.
The original charges were lies.
The cover of meeting with the Kuwaitis to ostensibly work toward a
settlement was a lie. The claim that
they were called in by Kuwaitis rebelling against the government was a
lie. The greatest truth of the Middle
East is that Arabs simply lie.
Of course, it is not only Iraq. Every time (and that means many times)
slaughter breaks out in Lebanon, there is a call for a truce. Any particular outbreak of violence is
certain to give birth to at least a dozen “truces” each one broken whenever any
side feels that it has an opportunity to benefit from the breach. A promise, a word, a treaty, in the Arab
world is a weapon in the game of acquisition, and the person who takes an
Arab’s word seriously deserves his punishment if not for no other reason than
that he is a fool.
The lesson? We
would be worse than foolish to trust the Palestinians. We would be murderers of our loved ones. Saddam Hussein is not a person – he is a
concept. Every Arab ruler is a Saddam
Hussein, and given the opportunity, they behave like him. Answar Saddat who attacked across the Suez Canal
on Yom Kippur was a Saddam. And we, who
gave away a huge land mass and moved the border to within 60 mils of Tel Aviv,
are mad. And Hussein Mubarak is a Saddam
and when he feels that his opportunity is ripe, will strike at Israel. And Hussein, of Jordan, the little king, in
1967 smelled that opportunity for himself and attacked Israel.
There is not truth, no honesty, no word, no loyalty among
the Arabs. Yesterday’s enemy is today’s
“friend,” and Jordan can massacre the PLO and then a PLO terrorist can
assassinate a Jordanian minister and drink his blood, and tomorrow they can be
“allies.” Yesterday, Syria tried to do
to Jordan what Iraq did to Kuwait; today they are “brothers.” There is a diseased soul in the Arab world.
TWO: To everyone
who has told me (and I cannot begin to count the ways), that the reason we
cannot expel the Arabs is that the world will not accept it: Why is it that Saddam Hussein was not worried
about “the world?” Why is it that the
Iranians are not worried about “the world?”
Why is it that the Esaus of the world never worry about what all the
other Esaus might say and do? Why is
that only Jacob sits about all day watching tragedy grow and an awesome and
terrible future come closer and refuses to act normal because of “the world”
and what it might do and say? Why is it
that Saddam is prepared to do a terrible thing and not fear “the world” and
Jews are not ready to do a mitzvah that will save them, i.e. throwing
out the Arabs, because of “the world?” Learn the lesson.
THREE: The real and natural reaction in the Arab world
was one of awe and respect for a man who wasted no time in diplomatic niceties
but used power and strength. And here is
the key to the Arab and Middle Eastern mind – strength and power is what impresses,
not goodness and morality. When Israel
was perceived by the Arabs to be strong and tough, they hated her but feared
her and cowered in terror. Each time
that Israel, consistent with her Hellenistic-influence, grants insane
concessions, it is not perceived by the Arabs as “goodness” but as weakness,
and the weak in the Middle Eastern jungle are ripe for the slaughter. Learn
the lesson.
FOUR: The Iraqi
dictator has become a hero to the Palestinians who see in his actions the only
way to deal with Israel. They dream that
his moves, in defiance of the world, will be adopted by other Arab states
against Israel. That is why the PLO
supports him. He has brutally taken over
another Muslim Arab state – does that matter? Not in the slightest in the jungle
of beasts and wild animals that comprises the Arab world. Learn
the lesson.
FIVE: From this
lesson comes forth another lesson. The
Iraqi move will embolden the Israeli Arabs inside the Jewish state to intensify
their attacks on her. The so-called intifada
will grow and expand inside Israel and give Iraq greater reason to intensify
its own threats against Israel’s existence until the madman who typifies so
much that is the Arab megalomaniac mind may be driven by dreams to launch his
missiles and chemicals against the Jewish state. Already on behalf of Saddam, a man threatened
to incinerate Israel. The Arabs of
Israel are possessed by a hatred of the Jewish state that transcends their fear
of being incinerated along with the Jews.
And we allow them to remain and grow and become a fifth column cancer
within our midst. Madness! Learn
the lesson that cries out two things:
Remove the Israeli
Arabs now, before it is too late.
Strike at Iraq now, before that, too, is too
late. And that is the next lesson:
SIX: It is only a
matter of time before Saddam, drunk with adulation of his people and the Arab
world, and seeing himself as one of the great Arab heroes of history, takes
upon himself to do that which the Arab world has dreamed of doing for 42 years
– wiping out Israel.
Every day that passes sees Saddam’s nuclear and chemical
power and potential grow. Israel’s
interests are not those of the United States.
America seeks to protect the oil fields and the “moderate” Arab
state. Our concern is not that; ours is
knowledge that even if Saddam should capitulate to all American demands and
retreat from Kuwait, he remains to continue his progress to nuclear weapons,
even more awesome chemical and biological ones, and the ever-more sophisticated
means of delivering them.
The U.S. wishes Israel to stay out of the fray. It wants Israel neither to be seen nor heard,
lest that harm U.S. interests in the Arab world It certainly does not want
Israel to bomb Iraq, despite the fact that Iraq’s main and hallowed target is
Israel. The nuclear bombs of Iraq are
not aimed and never will be aimed at Washington. They will be at Israel.
Israel’s interest are not those of the United States, and we
should do only what is best for us. One
can feel for American hostages, and in great measure they are there now because
George Bush waited and allowed the Iraqis time to round them up and place them
as hostages inside the sensitive Iraqi targets.
But all that is ultimately irrelevant.
Just as the U.S. did nothing for Israeli hostages and really could not
have cared less, so must Israel disregard American interests when its survival
is at stake.
Every day Saddam moves closer to perfecting weapons of
awesome mass destruction. Now, now, now,
before he can wipe out, G-d forbid, hundreds of thousands of our people, is the
time to strike and level his potential – factories, installations,
missiles. Now, now, now while the world
– which we so fear – is itself in a mood of anger and fear of Iraq. Strike; destroy the man and people who both
have the halachic status of a “rodef,” of one who wishes to kill Jews.
Israel should never be bound by any made, murderous,
perverted ethics and immoral morality of the disturbed liberal-left axis. Never should to ever pledge not to strike a
first blow. If the need arises or if
Israel even perceives the need arising, it must strike first. And never should Israel ever fall into the
trap of banning any kind of weapon.
There is nothing in any way less “moral” about a huge weapon of
destruction than a small one. Any weapon
that is used to kill people in an immoral war is bad. Any weapon used to kill vicious enemies in a
war of survival is a mitzvah.
Israel should make no bones about, and should not be shy in
any way about telling the world that it plans to have one of the world’s most
potent and efficient arsenals of what is stupidly called “unconventional
weapons” “conventional” forces far outnumber Israel’s and who are working
feverishly to obtain nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles
to deliver them. Israel should have
every possible weapon of mass destruction imaginable and deal with the
question, “but will that not give the Arabs an excuse to do the same,” with the
nausea it deserves.
It is best that no one bomb.
But it is better, far, far better, to bomb than to be bombed. It is better to gas than to be gassed. And when dealing with Saddams and Arabs –
that is the only language they will ever understand. Learn the
SEVEN: The last and most important lesson, without which
all the others will avail us nothing.
Return unto G-d, quickly, now, now, now.
We and all that is ours are in His hands. The Saddams of this world are nothing before
Him, and yet, everything, if G-d hides His face from us. Of course, we must strike Saddam, but the
hawks of this world who devour shrimps are too small to help the Jewish
people. They understand nothing that is
Jewish. And yet, the lesson is so clear,
the lesson of G-d and history.
Two things are the call of the hour: Return to the L-rd, G-d of Israel. And wipe out Iraq’s power. Now.
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