February 19, 2010

Living the Love - Wrath Of Truth

I like going to the “Politics and Activism” forum of Israel National News. But recently I took a long hiatus from my online activities due to family circumstances. When I returned today and   scanned the recent post parade, I found old users with old beefs and new users with old questions. So it trickles down to one question in sum: Where is the love? The love for our Land, that is.
This is my question to Jews from diaspora.
We can all yell and scream our opinions all day long and show off our knowledge or igornace to each other. Or we can do something. And there is only one real and ultimate thing to do- COME TO ISRAEL AND ACT HERE!  Build homes, raise families, spend your money here, apply your efforts here, employ your expertize and experience here – afterall, brain and HaShem are our only “natural resources”.  Settle the land, plant the orchards, – live the mitzvah. Those of you who are not here, don’t kid yourselves that you can do more good from hutz l’aretz. No way.
You know or ought to know that gathering here is not only morally responsible for a Jew, especially one who proclaims love for the Land; its part of the prophesy of redemption. When you get here you can do more but even in living here you defy the Kenyan Amalek and his construction freeze, and you help shift demographics in our favor in the face of the slightly higher population growth by Palis, etc. So whether you are a “rationalist” or a faithful Jew, you cannot avoid the fact that you need to return home and that is how you begin show the love and to live it.
LIVING IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL IS THE ONLY MITZVAH YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR ENTIRE BODY AND AT ALL TIMES (unlike prescripted prayer regiment or other mitzvot which are subject to time and life cycles).
Or you can stay in your armchair and scream, – but I will not hear you…….


  1. If you now return to the A7 "Politics and Activism" forum, you will see that some long-time posters are not there anymore... because they have been banned!
    So much for "discussing" things and moving on!

  2. Anonymous...I rarely respond to anonymous comments...because in essence I am talking to myself.

    The A7 Forum turned me off because of all of the interlopers that ruin it for the rest of us.
    If you know a better Forum....I am all ears
