For Americans voting from Israel, the elections are over. Early polling
suggests 75% of the 200,000 Americans eligible to vote here, did so for John
McCain. I was one of them. Below I tell you why.
As I and my family anxiously await the election returns from America here
in Jerusalem, we will be wondering not only if Barack Hussein Obama will be
elected, but if this will be the last free elections ever held in the U.S.
With massive voter fraud by Obama's protégé, ACORN, which is not a voter
registration organization, but a pack- the- voting- rolls- with- Democrats
–for- Obama organization; with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ready to pass
the "Media Fairness Doctrine" that would outlaw any fairness in the media
(even the little there is now), the ban on secret ballots in unions, and
Obama's documented disdain for the "mistakes" of the Constitution that he is
planning to 'correct' while he 'spreads the wealth,' we may not be having
this conversation again, if ever.
With every blessing, and still some hope,
Naomi Ragen
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