One State for one People. Thou shalt not be a victim, or perpetrator, but above all, thou shalt not be a bystander. Yasher Koach!
December 30, 2013
December 29, 2013
The Palestinian People: One of History's Great Lies
The Palestinian People: One of History's Great Lies
- Great Emet!Palestinians - The Great Lie - Read the Rest
December 27, 2013
War without end. POTUS promises the U.S., Israel, and the Palestinians.
War without end. That
is what the Obama Administration promises the U.S., Israel, and the
Palestinians. If the current Obama-Kerry plan for an Israel-Palestinian
deal is implemented, scores of Americans would likely die. This was
revealed recently by Secretary of State John Kerry, particularly in a
speech at the Saban Forum.
By the way, the Saban Forum Speech was made appropriately on December
7th, the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The former
head of the Saban Center has also been chosen as negotiator.
The Obama Administration plan is very simple, assuming that everything
goes smoothly–which of course it will not.
According to the plan, the United States would gradually create and
maintain the agreement by policing an independent Palestinian state.
Israel would be protected by the U.S. forces, and Palestine would be
protected from Israel by them. And that's part of the problem, because
the Palestinians would stage a huge number of protests against and
complaints regarding Israel's actions, likely demanding more
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War without end. That is what the Obama Administration promises the U.S., Israel, and the Palestinians.
If the current Obama-Kerry plan for an Israel-Palestinian deal is implemented, scores of Americans would likely die.
This was revealed recently by Secretary of State John Kerry, particularly in a speech at the Saban Forum. By the way, the Saban Forum Speech was made appropriately on December 7th, the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
The former head of the Saban Center has also been chosen as negotiator. The Obama Administration plan is very simple, assuming that everything goes smoothly–which of course it will not.
According to the plan, the United States would gradually create and maintain the agreement by policing an independent Palestinian state.
Israel would be protected by the U.S. forces (LOL) , and Palestine would be protected from Israel by them. And that's part of the problem, because the Palestinians would stage a huge number of protests against and complaints regarding Israel's actions, likely demanding more concessions.
Neo Mandate - Read the Rest
According to the recent Pew study, 53% of Jews who recently married another Jew are orthodox.
Pew Research
recently released a study of American Jewry that has drawn much comment
in all sectors of the Jewish world. ‘’An America without Jews will be a
poorer place,’’ writes one columnist who thought Pew suggested we are
disappearing. The Pew numbers, in fact, say the Jewish community is growing, albeit more slowly than the American population is growing. He misunderstood the numbers.
“Orthodox outreach has been a great waste of money,’’ wrote another, commenting that only 4% of adult conservative Jews now identify as being orthodox. He also misunderstood the numbers.
Are funders of Jewish outreach really wasting their money on such efforts? Pew's data gives us an answer. How many people does ‘’4% of Jews of the conservative movement” represent? 36,000 Jewish people from the conservative movement now identify as orthodox. That’s a lot of people. And according to numbers from Pew, many tens of thousands of Jewish adults in the United States who were not raised orthodox now identify themselves as being orthodox. Supporters of outreach may feel they indeed are getting a good return on their investment.
Data itself is neutral. When you have a question, you can use data to get meaningful answers. After reading so many skewed articles that misinterpreted the data, I decided to spend some time asking some of my own questions and crunch a few numbers. The results were rather surprising.
A recent New York Federation survey of the local Jewish community, found nearly 300,000 adults who said they are orthodox. An astounding 12% said they grew up in homes that were reform, conservative and most often ‘’just not religious.’’ That is 36,000 Jewish returnees in New York’s five boroughs and Long Island alone. Pinning down a precise number for the entire country is doable for someone analyzing the Pew data. I was surprised by this high number.
Since I regard all the Jewish people as one family, I cannot look at data to come up with winners and losers. If the Jewish people are suffering in any one sector, we should all be in pain.
Pew tells us that the most vibrant sector of Jewish life in America is what I will call, the ‘’two-Jew family” – namely a man and a woman who both say they are Jewish and marry each other. Such unions, whether they are reform, orthodox or conservative, or even not religious, are the bedrock of American Jewish life.
Jews married to Jews are four times more likely to join a Jewish synagogue of any type. They are twice as likely to give money to Jewish causes. They are also more likely to raise their children as Jews; 96% say they will try.
Among Jews married to Jews, their children are nearly four times more likely to marry other Jews than the children of the intermarried.
No matter what your priorities, whether it garnering support for Israel, encouraging people to give to their local federation, or strengthening Jewish commitment and observance, it is the ‘’two-Jew” family that best supports your goals. Creating such unions is in the interest of the American Jewish community.
Before we continue, a caveat. Without a doubt, there are intermarried Jewish people, Jewish single parent and single Jews who make great and important contributions to our people. We must recognize and include all Jews. I have met a great Rabbi who influenced thousands; his own father died when he was a young child, and his single mother imbued him with courage and commitment to be a leader.
My teacher, Rabbi Noah Weinberg, of blessed memory, often said that one of the most influential people in the Jewish world this past century was a divorced woman in Poland named Sarah Schnierer, the founder of the Bais Yaakov school system. I have also met intermarried people who later in life came to appreciate the relevance and beauty of living a Jewish life, but they have a spouse, kids and a life that cannot change easily. Many of these people are significant contributors to building the Jewish nation. If we don’t include all Jewish people, we are betraying our mission.
Having said that, a Jewish community can still seek to foster certain behaviors and commitments for the good of the nation. Encouraging Jews to marry Jews is among those policies.
How are we doing in this important challenge?
Analyzing Pew’s data shows the following:
The numbers are startling and reflect a very different makeup of the Jewish people that exists right now. Any Jewish organization that seeks out the newly married should realize that over half of the in-married in this group identify as orthodox.
How can such a small sector of the Jewish people provide so much of our committed families?
One is the large number of Jews marrying out.
Secondly, the Torah observant community strongly encourages the young to marry, and to marry Jewish, at least more than the alternatives in Jewish life today.
Children, Jewish children, support for Israel, support for local federations, commitment to the general Jewish community all flow in great torrents from the two-Jew family. When over half the people entering into these relationships are orthodox, it changes the Jewish community right now. This is changing the demographics of the Jewish people, today, not just a generation from now.
Pew & Jews - Read the Rest
“Orthodox outreach has been a great waste of money,’’ wrote another, commenting that only 4% of adult conservative Jews now identify as being orthodox. He also misunderstood the numbers.
Are funders of Jewish outreach really wasting their money on such efforts? Pew's data gives us an answer. How many people does ‘’4% of Jews of the conservative movement” represent? 36,000 Jewish people from the conservative movement now identify as orthodox. That’s a lot of people. And according to numbers from Pew, many tens of thousands of Jewish adults in the United States who were not raised orthodox now identify themselves as being orthodox. Supporters of outreach may feel they indeed are getting a good return on their investment.
Data itself is neutral. When you have a question, you can use data to get meaningful answers. After reading so many skewed articles that misinterpreted the data, I decided to spend some time asking some of my own questions and crunch a few numbers. The results were rather surprising.
A recent New York Federation survey of the local Jewish community, found nearly 300,000 adults who said they are orthodox. An astounding 12% said they grew up in homes that were reform, conservative and most often ‘’just not religious.’’ That is 36,000 Jewish returnees in New York’s five boroughs and Long Island alone. Pinning down a precise number for the entire country is doable for someone analyzing the Pew data. I was surprised by this high number.
Since I regard all the Jewish people as one family, I cannot look at data to come up with winners and losers. If the Jewish people are suffering in any one sector, we should all be in pain.
Pew tells us that the most vibrant sector of Jewish life in America is what I will call, the ‘’two-Jew family” – namely a man and a woman who both say they are Jewish and marry each other. Such unions, whether they are reform, orthodox or conservative, or even not religious, are the bedrock of American Jewish life.
Jews married to Jews are four times more likely to join a Jewish synagogue of any type. They are twice as likely to give money to Jewish causes. They are also more likely to raise their children as Jews; 96% say they will try.
Among Jews married to Jews, their children are nearly four times more likely to marry other Jews than the children of the intermarried.
No matter what your priorities, whether it garnering support for Israel, encouraging people to give to their local federation, or strengthening Jewish commitment and observance, it is the ‘’two-Jew” family that best supports your goals. Creating such unions is in the interest of the American Jewish community.
Before we continue, a caveat. Without a doubt, there are intermarried Jewish people, Jewish single parent and single Jews who make great and important contributions to our people. We must recognize and include all Jews. I have met a great Rabbi who influenced thousands; his own father died when he was a young child, and his single mother imbued him with courage and commitment to be a leader.
My teacher, Rabbi Noah Weinberg, of blessed memory, often said that one of the most influential people in the Jewish world this past century was a divorced woman in Poland named Sarah Schnierer, the founder of the Bais Yaakov school system. I have also met intermarried people who later in life came to appreciate the relevance and beauty of living a Jewish life, but they have a spouse, kids and a life that cannot change easily. Many of these people are significant contributors to building the Jewish nation. If we don’t include all Jewish people, we are betraying our mission.
Having said that, a Jewish community can still seek to foster certain behaviors and commitments for the good of the nation. Encouraging Jews to marry Jews is among those policies.
How are we doing in this important challenge?
Analyzing Pew’s data shows the following:
- 10% of American Jewish adults are orthodox
- 22% of Jews who get married are orthodox
- 53% of Jews who recently married another Jew are orthodox. (3)
The numbers are startling and reflect a very different makeup of the Jewish people that exists right now. Any Jewish organization that seeks out the newly married should realize that over half of the in-married in this group identify as orthodox.
How can such a small sector of the Jewish people provide so much of our committed families?
One is the large number of Jews marrying out.
Secondly, the Torah observant community strongly encourages the young to marry, and to marry Jewish, at least more than the alternatives in Jewish life today.
Children, Jewish children, support for Israel, support for local federations, commitment to the general Jewish community all flow in great torrents from the two-Jew family. When over half the people entering into these relationships are orthodox, it changes the Jewish community right now. This is changing the demographics of the Jewish people, today, not just a generation from now.
Pew & Jews - Read the Rest
The Little-Known Story Behind the Latke
The Little-Known Story Behind the Latke
Nobody really knows what the Maccabees ate during that first Chanukah, but one thing is certain—it wasn’t potato latkes.
Though the custom of eating oily foods to evoke the miracle of the oil dates back millennia—in a ninth-century letter, Maimon, the Rambam’s father, exhorted his community to take this practice seriously—it would take several more centuries for the latke to emerge as the oily food of choice. The fabled Chanukah fritter celebrated in story and song (the classic Yiddish Chanukah Song “Chanukah, oh Chanukah, a yontif, a sheina” describes the joys of eating latkes) is a relative latecomer to the Jewish table, dating only to the nineteenth century.
Potatoes were unknown in Europe until 1537, when Spanish forces of conquistador Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada landed in what is now Colombia to search for gold. Instead, they found potatoes. Although the Incans prized potatoes as a delicacy, the first potatoes to be planted in Europe were watery and bitter, and most people didn’t want to eat them.It was Antoine-Augustin Parmentier, a French scientist who was interred in a Bavarian prison camp, who eventually popularized the potato throughout Europe. Upon his release, Parmentier became a one-man public relations agency for the vegetable that kept him alive for the duration of his imprisonment. Because of his efforts, potatoes eventually caught on in France and later in Eastern Europe, which brings us back to latkes.
In the late eighteenth century, Eastern Europe was plagued by repeated crop failures. To stave off massive starvation, the Russian Empress Catherine the Great ordered farmers to plant potatoes instead of grain because potatoes grow more quickly and can survive a variety of weather conditions.
Czar Nicholas I enforced the decree with greater vigor and by 1850, the potato was entrenched in Eastern Europe.
The Jews, who were, for the most part, poor and hungry, were enthralled by the new vegetable. In the shtetl, potato was on the menu two or three times a day—a diet commemorated in the Yiddish children’s ditty “Sunday, potatoes; Monday, potatoes; Tuesday, potatoes . . . Shabbos, potato kugel.”
For the Jews of Eastern Europe, the potato was, quite literally, a godsend. Nurtured by the potato, which is not only rich in starch but contains every other essential vitamin and mineral except calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D, the Jewish population exploded in Eastern Europe.
In 1825 there were 1.6 million Jews in the area that is now Russia and Poland. By the end of the nineteenth century, there were over five million. Naturally, Jews became masters of potato cookery, developing a variety of potato-based dishes including the much beloved Chanukah fritter, or the latke, whose name in Yiddish means “little oily.”
According to food historian Gil Marks, the first latkes, called kartoffelpfannkuchen, were fashioned from coarse potatoes fried in schmaltz (chicken fat). Eventually the name was changed to kartoffel latke and finally to just plain latke. The popular latke recipe we are all familiar with today—grated potatoes bound together with onions, eggs and matzo meal—emerged.
By the end of the nineteenth century, immigrants brought the recipe to the United States. One of the earliest American Jewish cookbooks, Aunt Babette’s Cookbook: Foreign and Domestic Recipes for the Household, published in Cincinnati in 1889, includes a latke recipe, as does the 1903 Settlement Cook Book. By the 1930s, food scientists were figuring out ways to streamline latke preparation, and Aunt Jemima, the pancake mix brand, even marketed a latke mix. In our own times, foodies have played with the original recipe to create gourmet variations using ingredients like broccoli, basil, feta cheese and sun-dried tomatoes. Though some of these newfangled latkes are quite delicious, nothing beats old-fashioned potato latkes sizzling in the frying pan as the candles burn on Chanukah night.
Judaism’s Social Vision - Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
If you seek to understand Judaism’s social vision, look at its anti-poverty legislation.
Ostensibly the passage is about the cancellation of debts in the seventh year (shemittah, the year of “release”). The oral tradition, however, extended it to the laws of tzedakah - the word usually translated as “charity” but which also means “distributive justice, equity”. The rabbis interpreted the phrase “sufficient for his needs” to mean the basic requirements of existence: food, clothing, shelter and so on. “That which he lacks” was understood as referring to a person who was previously wealthy but has now become impoverished. He too must be helped to recover his dignity:
The force of this passage lies in the fact that Hillel himself was notoriously poor, yet he gave of his money and time to help a rich man who had lost his money regain his double aspect is evident throughout the laws of tzedakah. On the one hand, they are directed to the brute fact of poverty. No one must be deprived of basic physical necessities. On the other, they address with astonishing sensitivity the psychology of poverty. It demeans, embarrasses, humiliates, shames. Tzedakah, ruled the rabbis, must be given in such a way as to minimize these feelings:
In a famous passage, Maimonides describes the eight levels of charity:
This exquisitely calibrated ethic is shot through with psychological insight. What matters is not only how much you give, but also how you do so. Anonymity in the giving of aid is essential to dignity. The poor must not be embarrassed. The rich must not be allowed to feel superior. We give, not to take pride in our generosity, still less to emphasise the dependency of others, but because we belong to a covenant of human solidarity, and because that is what God wants us to do, honouring the trust through which he has temporarily lent us wealth in the first place.
Especially noteworthy is Maimonides’ insistence that giving somebody a job, or the means to start a business, is the highest charity of all. What is humiliating about poverty is dependence itself: the feeling of being beholden to others. One of the sharpest expressions of this is to be found in the Grace after Meals, when we say, “We beseech You, God our Lord, let us not be in need of the gifts of men or of their loans, but only of Your helping hand . . . so that we may not be put to shame nor humiliated for ever and ever.” The greatest act of tzedakah is one that allows the individual to become self-sufficient. The highest form of charity is one that enables the individual to dispense with charity. From the point of view of the giver, this is one of the least financially demanding forms of giving. It may not cost him anything at all. But from the point of view of the recipient, it is the most dignifying, because it removes the shame of receiving. Humanitarian relief is essential in the short-term, but in the long-run, job creation and economic policies that promote full employment are more important.
One detail of Jewish law is particularly noteworthy: even a person dependent on tzedakah must himself or herself give tzedakah. On the face of it, the rule is absurd. Why give X enough money so that he can give to Y? Giving to Y directly is more logical and efficient. What the rabbis understood, however, is that giving is an essential part of human dignity. The rabbinic insistence that the community provide the poor with enough money so that they themselves can give is a profound insight into the human condition.
Jewry has had many distinguished economists, from David Ricardo (whom Keynes called the greatest mind that ever addressed itself to economics), to John von Neumann (a physicist who, in his spare time, invented Game Theory), to Paul Samuelson, Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan. They have won an astonishing 38% of Nobel prizes in the field. Why should this have been so? Perhaps because Jews have long known that economics is one of the fundamental determinants of a society; that economic systems are not written into the structure of the universe, but are constructed by human beings and can be changed by human beings; and thus that poverty is not a fact of nature but can be alleviated, minimized, reduced. Economics is not a religious discipline. It is a secular art and science. Yet, deeply underlying the Jewish passion for economics is a religious imperative: “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be open-handed toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.”
“If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tight-fisted toward your poor brother. Rather be open-handed and freely lend him sufficient for his needs in that which he lacks. Be careful not to harbour this wicked thought: “The seventh year, the year for cancelling debts, is near,” so that you do not show ill will toward your needy brother and give him nothing. He may then appeal to the Lord against you, and you will be found guilty of sin. Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be open-handed toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.” (Deut 15: 7-11)
Ostensibly the passage is about the cancellation of debts in the seventh year (shemittah, the year of “release”). The oral tradition, however, extended it to the laws of tzedakah - the word usually translated as “charity” but which also means “distributive justice, equity”. The rabbis interpreted the phrase “sufficient for his needs” to mean the basic requirements of existence: food, clothing, shelter and so on. “That which he lacks” was understood as referring to a person who was previously wealthy but has now become impoverished. He too must be helped to recover his dignity:
It is related about Hillel the Elder that, for a certain poor man who was of good family, he bought a horse to ride on and a slave to run before him. When on one occasion he could not find a slave to run before the man, he himself ran before him. (Ketubot 67b)
The force of this passage lies in the fact that Hillel himself was notoriously poor, yet he gave of his money and time to help a rich man who had lost his money regain his double aspect is evident throughout the laws of tzedakah. On the one hand, they are directed to the brute fact of poverty. No one must be deprived of basic physical necessities. On the other, they address with astonishing sensitivity the psychology of poverty. It demeans, embarrasses, humiliates, shames. Tzedakah, ruled the rabbis, must be given in such a way as to minimize these feelings:
When Rabbi Yannai saw a certain man giving a coin to a poor person in front of everyone, he said: It would have been better not to have given it to him than to have given it and put him to shame. (Hagigah 5b)
In a famous passage, Maimonides describes the eight levels of charity:
There are eight degrees of charity, one higher than the other.
The highest degree, exceeded by none, is that of one who assists a poor person by providing him with a gift or a loan or by accepting him into a business partnership or by helping him find employment – in a word by putting him in a situation where he can dispense with other people’s aid. With reference to such aid it is said, ‘You shall strengthen him, be he a stranger or a settler, he shall live with you’ (Lev. 25: 35), which means: strengthen him in such a manner that his falling into want is prevented.
A step below this is the one who gives alms to the needy in such a way that the giver does not know to whom he gives and the recipient does not know from whom he takes. This exemplifies doing a good deed for its own sake. One example was the Hall of Secrecy in the Temple, where the righteous would place their gift clandestinely and where poor people from noble families could come and secretly help themselves to aid. Close to this is dropping money in a charity box...
One step lower is where the giver knows to whom he gives, but the poor person does not know from whom he receives. Thus the great sages would go and secretly put money into poor people’s doorways...
A step lower is the case where the poor person knows from whom he is taking, but the giver does not known to whom he is giving. Thus the great sages would tie coins in their scarves, which they would fling over their shoulders, so that the poor could help themselves without suffering shame.
Lower than this, is where someone gives the poor person a gift before he asks.
Lower still is one who gives only after the poor person asks.
Lower than this is one who gives less than is fitting, but does so with a friendly countenance.
The lowest level is one who gives ungraciously. (Mattenot Ani’im 10: 7-14)
This exquisitely calibrated ethic is shot through with psychological insight. What matters is not only how much you give, but also how you do so. Anonymity in the giving of aid is essential to dignity. The poor must not be embarrassed. The rich must not be allowed to feel superior. We give, not to take pride in our generosity, still less to emphasise the dependency of others, but because we belong to a covenant of human solidarity, and because that is what God wants us to do, honouring the trust through which he has temporarily lent us wealth in the first place.
Especially noteworthy is Maimonides’ insistence that giving somebody a job, or the means to start a business, is the highest charity of all. What is humiliating about poverty is dependence itself: the feeling of being beholden to others. One of the sharpest expressions of this is to be found in the Grace after Meals, when we say, “We beseech You, God our Lord, let us not be in need of the gifts of men or of their loans, but only of Your helping hand . . . so that we may not be put to shame nor humiliated for ever and ever.” The greatest act of tzedakah is one that allows the individual to become self-sufficient. The highest form of charity is one that enables the individual to dispense with charity. From the point of view of the giver, this is one of the least financially demanding forms of giving. It may not cost him anything at all. But from the point of view of the recipient, it is the most dignifying, because it removes the shame of receiving. Humanitarian relief is essential in the short-term, but in the long-run, job creation and economic policies that promote full employment are more important.
One detail of Jewish law is particularly noteworthy: even a person dependent on tzedakah must himself or herself give tzedakah. On the face of it, the rule is absurd. Why give X enough money so that he can give to Y? Giving to Y directly is more logical and efficient. What the rabbis understood, however, is that giving is an essential part of human dignity. The rabbinic insistence that the community provide the poor with enough money so that they themselves can give is a profound insight into the human condition.
Jewry has had many distinguished economists, from David Ricardo (whom Keynes called the greatest mind that ever addressed itself to economics), to John von Neumann (a physicist who, in his spare time, invented Game Theory), to Paul Samuelson, Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan. They have won an astonishing 38% of Nobel prizes in the field. Why should this have been so? Perhaps because Jews have long known that economics is one of the fundamental determinants of a society; that economic systems are not written into the structure of the universe, but are constructed by human beings and can be changed by human beings; and thus that poverty is not a fact of nature but can be alleviated, minimized, reduced. Economics is not a religious discipline. It is a secular art and science. Yet, deeply underlying the Jewish passion for economics is a religious imperative: “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be open-handed toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.”
The Left Against Zion
In the 1960s, the American Left embraced the anti-Vietnam War movement as its cri de coeur.
In the 1970s, the Left’s foreign policy focus shifted to calling for unilateral nuclear disarmament by the US and its Western allies.
In the 1980s, supporting the Sandinista Communists’ takeover of Nicaragua became the catechism of the Left.
In the 1990s, the war on global capitalism – that is, the anti-globalization movement – captivated the passions of US Leftists from coast to coast.
In the 2000s, it was again, the anti-war movement.
This time the Left rioted and demonstrated against the war in Iraq.
And in this decade, the main foreign policy issue that galvanizes the passions and energies of the committed American Left is the movement to delegitimize Israel’s right to exist.
This week has been a big one for the anti-Israel movement. In the space of a few days, two quasi academic organizations – the American Studies Association and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association – have launched boycotts against Israeli universities. Their boycotts follow a similar one announced in April by the Asian Studies Association.
These groups’ actions have not taken place in isolation. They are of a piece with ever-escalating acts of anti-Israel agitation in college campuses throughout the United States.
Between the growth of Israel Apartheid Day (or Week, or Month) from a fringe exercise on isolated campuses to a staple of the academic calendar in universities throughout the US and Canada, and the rise of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement to wage economic war against the Jewish state, anti-Israel activism has become the focal point of Leftist foreign policy activism in the US and throughout the Western world.
Left Against Zion - Read More
The POTUS is To Smart to Fail....
We all know that George W. Bush was a moron.
And we all know that Obama is a genius.
We have been told by Valerie Jarrett, by his media lapdogs and even by the great man himself that he is just too smart to do his job.
And it’s reasonable that a genius would be bored by the tedious tasks involved in running the most powerful nation on earth.
But what is “smart” anyway? What makes Obama a genius? It’s not his IQ. It’s probably not his grades or we would have seen them already. It’s that he makes his supporters feel smart. The perception of intelligence is really a reflection.
Smart once used to be an unreachable quality. Einstein was proclaimed a genius, because it was said that no one understood his theories. Those were undemocratic times when it was assumed that the eggheads playing with the atom had to be a lot smarter than us or we were in big trouble.
Intelligence has since been democratized. Smart has been redistributed. Anyone can get an A for effort. And the impulse of manufactured intelligence is not smart people, but people who make us feel smart. That is why Neil deGrasse Tyson, another obsessively self-promoting mediocrity like Carl Sagan, is now the new face of science. Sagan made science-illiterate liberals feel smart while pandering to their biases. Tyson does the same thing for the Twitter generation.
Self-esteem is the new intelligence. Obama’s intelligence was manufactured by pandering to the biases and tastes of his supporters. The more he shared their biases and tastes, the smarter he seemed to be and the smarter they felt by having so much in common with such a smart man.
Everyone who encountered him thought that he was smart because he made them feel smart. And that is the supreme duty of the modern liberal intellectual, not to be smart, but to make others feel smart. Genuine intelligence is threatening. Manufactured intelligence is soothing. And those intellectually superior progressives who need to believe that Obama is smart in order to believe that they are smart cannot stop believing in his brains without confronting the illusion of their own intelligence.
To smart To Fail - Read the Rest
And we all know that Obama is a genius.
We have been told by Valerie Jarrett, by his media lapdogs and even by the great man himself that he is just too smart to do his job.
And it’s reasonable that a genius would be bored by the tedious tasks involved in running the most powerful nation on earth.
But what is “smart” anyway? What makes Obama a genius? It’s not his IQ. It’s probably not his grades or we would have seen them already. It’s that he makes his supporters feel smart. The perception of intelligence is really a reflection.
Smart once used to be an unreachable quality. Einstein was proclaimed a genius, because it was said that no one understood his theories. Those were undemocratic times when it was assumed that the eggheads playing with the atom had to be a lot smarter than us or we were in big trouble.
Intelligence has since been democratized. Smart has been redistributed. Anyone can get an A for effort. And the impulse of manufactured intelligence is not smart people, but people who make us feel smart. That is why Neil deGrasse Tyson, another obsessively self-promoting mediocrity like Carl Sagan, is now the new face of science. Sagan made science-illiterate liberals feel smart while pandering to their biases. Tyson does the same thing for the Twitter generation.
Self-esteem is the new intelligence. Obama’s intelligence was manufactured by pandering to the biases and tastes of his supporters. The more he shared their biases and tastes, the smarter he seemed to be and the smarter they felt by having so much in common with such a smart man.
Everyone who encountered him thought that he was smart because he made them feel smart. And that is the supreme duty of the modern liberal intellectual, not to be smart, but to make others feel smart. Genuine intelligence is threatening. Manufactured intelligence is soothing. And those intellectually superior progressives who need to believe that Obama is smart in order to believe that they are smart cannot stop believing in his brains without confronting the illusion of their own intelligence.
To smart To Fail - Read the Rest
Why I want to live in Israel - Libbie Snyder
It’s not an easy question to answer.
it’s not rational – or logical – it’s emotional.
It’s what’s in my
heart. After all, my Hebrew name literally translates to “my heart” – so
it’s the only natural way to live my life.
There’s something in the air here. Something
vibrant. It’s not that the world is less beautiful elsewhere – by far
not. But the air here is different.
It may sound cliché: This is the
promised land, the holy land, our homeland. But all clichés have some
truth to them. This is God’s land. It’s the center of our planet, no
matter which map you look at. It’s the land of the Bible, no matter
which major religion you’re coming from. It’s the land of ancient
history, the land of mythology, and the land of mystery. It’s no
ordinary land.
There are many reasons – rational, logical
reasons – to not want to live here. Economically it’s very difficult.
Politically it’s a mess. And bureaucratically it’s a nightmare. But no
matter how much Israelis love to complain about life here, very few of
them can find themselves truly happy living anywhere else. Because
there’s something about living in Israel that is simply wonderful, and
can’t be translated into economic terms.
We are building something here. We are part of
a communal effort. America hardly notices if I’m there or not. But
Israel needs my presence, my contribution. It’s so easy to make an
impact here. It’s so easy to see things grow.
It’s wonderful to step outside of the house in
December in a T-shirt.
It’s wonderful to see Jews from every country in
the world dancing together in nightclubs, finding ways to communicate
and laugh and kiss, despite our many language barriers.
It’s wonderful
to walk into a café, grumpy and hungry after a long day, and see the
café employees gathering around the counter to light the Chanukah
candles together.
It’s wonderful that the gym doesn’t play music on
remembrance days.
It’s wonderful to eat only the fruits and vegetables
that are in season at any given time, and to drive past acres of orange
groves on your way to work.
It’s wonderful to board a bus and see young
men that look like your cousins in army uniforms, their arms crossed
over their M-16s, nodding off into an exhausted sleep on the shoulder of
the stranger sitting beside them.
It’s wonderful to feel the simcha and ruach
at Israeli weddings, the boisterous jubilation thumping through the
room and your veins.
It’s wonderful to live in a place that embraces
Shabbat – the only country where we can get a real taste of God’s
wisdom, in His ordainment of a weekly day of rest.
It’s wonderful to
walk along the sea at sunset, especially on a Friday – and see every
type of Jew you can imagine, from the runner to the street performer to
the chassid to the fisherman, each enjoying our beautiful
coastline in his own way.
It’s wonderful to drive around the Sea of
Galilee or down to the Dead Sea, and experience the silencing of sheer
It’s wonderful to be surrounded by inspiration, everywhere.
And it’s not hard to remember that our
grandparents didn’t have the luxury of complaining about Israel’s many
shortcomings. Or their parents, or their parents, or their parents. We
are blessed to live in this generation, at this time.
Our generation is
at a critical juncture: We are the ones who are going to decide the
state of our future State. Now is the time to be here, if we want to
pave some kind of way. Because at the end of the day, life is so short –
and you have to ask yourself, “Do I want to leave behind a comfortable
material lifestyle, or a meaningful contribution to the growth of the
modern Jewish state?”
Yes, there are so many things I miss about
life in America. There are the little things: CVS. Target. Sephora.
Being served a glass of water when I sit down at a table in a
restaurant. And I long for the big things: My family. My friends.
Speaking and hearing my mother language all around me. The other place I
call home.
But – that critical pause, “but”, says it all –
we are building something here. We are trying to make something of our
lives, something better for our children, and their children, and their
children. The hope being that, one day, things will get a little easier,
and we won’t struggle to answer the endlessly surfacing question: “Why
do you want to live here?”
Because the heart doesn’t ask logical questions.
The heart just tries to guide each of us to our truth.
French JDL Attacked Antisemites Erev Xmas
Report: French JDL
Attacked Antisemites Erev Xmas
Published: December 25th, 2013
Latest update: December 26th, 2013
On Tuesday, LDJ wrote on its Twitter account: “Two major punitive
actions were carried out Saturday and Sunday in Lyon against people who
performed the quenelle. The little Nazis are no longer at ease!”
On Tuesday, LDJ wrote on its Twitter account: “Two major punitive
actions were carried out Saturday and Sunday in Lyon against people who
performed the quenelle. The little Nazis are no longer at ease!”
Photo Credit:
French police arrested six Jews they believe staged vigilante attacks
against suspected antisemites.
The attacks allegedly occurred on Dec. 21 in Lyon and Dec. 22 in nearby
Villeurbanne, and are believed to have been perpetrated by members of
France’s Jewish Defense League, or Ligue de Defense Juive (LDJ), the
local branch of JDL, founded the late Rabbi Meir Kahane ZTL.
The targets were discovered on social networks and tracked down for
performing the “quenelle,” a gesture conceived by the antisemitic
comedian and Holocaust denier Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, the Le Progres
daily reported.
[caption id="attachment_158854" align="aligncenter" width="465"] On
Tuesday, LDJ wrote on its Twitter account: “Two major punitive actions
were carried out Saturday and Sunday in Lyon against people who
performed the quenelle. The little Nazis are no longer at ease!”
Antisemitic creep comic Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, known by his stage name
Dieudonné, performing the new Nazi salute.[/caption]
Read more at:
Read more at:
French JDL Attacked Antisemites Erev Xmas By: JTA Published: December 25th, 2013 Latest update: December 26th, 2013 On Tuesday, LDJ wrote on its Twitter account: “Two major punitive actions were carried out Saturday and Sunday in Lyon against people who performed the quenelle.
The little Nazis are no longer at ease!” On Tuesday, LDJ wrote on its Twitter account: “Two major punitive actions were carried out Saturday and Sunday in Lyon against people who performed the quenelle. The little Nazis are no longer at ease!”
French police arrested six Jews they believe staged vigilante attacks against suspected antisemites. The attacks allegedly occurred on Dec. 21 in Lyon and Dec. 22 in nearby Villeurbanne, and are believed to have been perpetrated by members of France’s Jewish Defense League, or Ligue de Defense Juive (LDJ), the local branch of JDL, founded the late Rabbi Meir Kahane ZTL. The targets were discovered on social networks and tracked down for performing the “quenelle,” a gesture conceived by the antisemitic comedian and Holocaust denier Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, the Le Progres daily reported.
Antisemitic creep comic Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, known by his stage name Dieudonné, performing the new Nazi salute.
French JDL - Read the Rest
Has Kerry Heard of the Palestinian ‘Hitler’?
Fatah legislator and activist Jamal Abu al Rub (left), affectionately
known to his colleagues as "Hitler," with PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
Fatah legislator and activist Jamal Abu al Rub (left), affectionately
known to his colleagues as "Hitler," with PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
Photo Credit: Jamal Abu al Rub Facebook page
Originally published at Gatestone Institute.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry may soon have to come up with a new
plan to help Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas solve
internal problems in ruling his Fatah faction.
The only plan that Kerry has thus far proposed is one that talks about
future security arrangements between a Palestinian state and Israel.
What Kerry and the State Department are probably unaware of is that
Fatah, Israel's "peace partner," is in urgent need of a plan to rid it
of its internal disputes.
What the U.S. seems not to understand is that a weak, divided and
discredited Fatah will never be able to sign any agreement with Israel.
A series of events over the past few weeks have left many Palestinians
wondering if Fatah will ever be able to recover and rehabilitate itself
in the aftermath of its defeat by Hamas in the January 2006
parliamentary election.
These events have also raised questions as to Abbas's ability to rein in
and control his own loyalists in Fatah. Abbas, it seems, has lost
control not only over the Gaza Strip, but also his Fatah faction.
The most recent crisis in Fatah erupted last week when Fatah legislator
and activist Jamal Abu al Rub, who is nicknamed "Hitler," punched senior
Fatah rival Jibril Rajoub three times in the face after a violent
confrontation in Ramallah's Grand Park Hotel, where Rajoub, a former
Fatah security commander, was waiting to meet with the Chinese foreign
Abu al Rub later explained that Rajoub had "provoked" him, and that was
why he had decided to assault him. According to Abu al Rub, about two
months ago one of Rajoub's bodyguards had assaulted him during a heated
meeting of Fatah leaders in Ramallah.
Abbas, in response, decided to expel Abu al Rub from Fatah.
The decision drew strong condemnations from Abu al Rub's supporters in
the Jenin area of the northern West Bank, where dozens of Fatah
activists tendered their resignations to Abbas. In a further escalation,
Fatah gunmen loyal to Abu al Rub expelled Palestinian Authority
policemen from the town of Qabatya near Jenin.
Palestinians have expressed fear that the fight between Abu al Rub and
Rajoub could lead to an all-out bloody confrontation between supporters
of the two men.
Abu al Rub has since won the admiration of many Palestinians for daring
to assault one of the most powerful figures in Fatah.
"Oh Hitler, you have brought pride to the homeland and Allah," wrote on
of Abu al Rub's fans on Facebook.
Another fan wrote: "We are all Hitler. We are with you even to death!"
Read more at:
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Fatah legislator and activist Jamal Abu al Rub, affectionately known to his colleagues as "Hitler," with PA President Mahmoud Abbas
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry may soon have to come up with a new plan to help Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas solve internal problems in ruling his Fatah faction.
The only plan that Kerry has thus far proposed is one that talks about future security arrangements between a Palestinian state and Israel. What Kerry and the State Department are probably unaware of is that Fatah, Israel's "peace partner," is in urgent need of a plan to rid it of its internal disputes.
What the U.S. seems not to understand is that a weak, divided and discredited Fatah will never be able to sign any agreement with Israel. A series of events over the past few weeks have left many Palestinians wondering if Fatah will ever be able to recover and rehabilitate itself in the aftermath of its defeat by Hamas in the January 2006 parliamentary election. These events have also raised questions as to Abbas's ability to rein in and control his own loyalists in Fatah.
Abbas, it seems, has lost control not only over the Gaza Strip, but also his Fatah faction. The most recent crisis in Fatah erupted last week when Fatah legislator and activist Jamal Abu al Rub, who is nicknamed "Hitler," punched senior Fatah rival Jibril Rajoub three times in the face after a violent confrontation in Ramallah's Grand Park Hotel, where Rajoub, a former Fatah security commander, was waiting to meet with the Chinese foreign minister. Abu al Rub later explained that Rajoub had "provoked" him, and that was why he had decided to assault him. According to Abu al Rub, about two months ago one of Rajoub's bodyguards had assaulted him during a heated meeting of Fatah leaders in Ramallah.
Abbas, in response, decided to expel Abu al Rub from Fatah. The decision drew strong condemnations from Abu al Rub's supporters in the Jenin area of the northern West Bank, where dozens of Fatah activists tendered their resignations to Abbas. In a further escalation, Fatah gunmen loyal to Abu al Rub expelled Palestinian Authority policemen from the town of Qabatya near Jenin. Palestinians have expressed fear that the fight between Abu al Rub and Rajoub could lead to an all-out bloody confrontation between supporters of the two men. Abu al Rub has since won the admiration of many Palestinians for daring to assault one of the most powerful figures in Fatah. "Oh Hitler, you have brought pride to the homeland and Allah," wrote on of Abu al Rub's fans on Facebook. Another fan wrote: "We are all Hitler. We are with you even to death!"
Has Kerry Heard - Read the Rest
Kerry’s Oh-So-’90s Security Nonsense
Like his supporters, US Secretary of State John Kerry has apparently been asleep for the past 20 years.
Kerry has proffered us security arrangements, which he claims will protect Israel from aggression for the long haul. They will do this, he argues, despite the fact that his plan denies the Jewish state physically defensible borders in the framework of a peace deal with the PLO.
There are several serious problems with Kerry’s arrangements. But in the context of Kerry’s repeated claims that his commitment to Israel’s security is unqualified, their most glaring flaws are rooted in their disregard for all the lessons we have learned over the past two decades.
Kerry’s security arrangements rest on three assumptions. First, they assume that the main threats Israel will face in an era of “peace” with the Palestinians will emanate from east of the Jordan River. The main two scenarios that have been raised are the threat of terrorists and advanced weaponry being smuggled across the border; and a land invasion or other type of major aggression against Israel, perpetrated by Iraqis moving across Jordan.
It is to fend off these threats, Kerry argues, that he would agree to a temporary deployment of Israeli forces in the Jordan Valley even after Israel expels all or most of the 650,000 Israeli civilians who live in Judea, Samaria and eastern, northern and southern Jerusalem.
We will consider the strategic wisdom of his plans for defending Israel from threats east of the Jordan River presently. But first we need to ask whether a threat from across the border would really be the only significant threat that Israel would face after surrendering Judea, Samaria and much of Jerusalem to the PLO.
The answer to this question is obvious to every Israeli who has been awake for the past 20 years, since Israel started down the “land for peace” road with the PLO. The greatest threat Israel will face in an era of “peace” with the Palestinians will not come from east of the Jordan. It will come from west of the Jordan – from the Jew-free Palestinian state.
The Palestinians don’t give us peace for land. They give us war for land. Whether they support the PLO, Hamas or anything in between, the Palestinians have used every centimeter of land that Israel has given them as launching bases for terrorist and political attacks against Israel.
Kerry's Oh - Read the Rest
Egypt Declares Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group
The Egyptian government formally labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group.
Banning all of its activities including protests. The Obama Administration, advised by Brotherhood-friendly groups in the U.S., is unlikely to follow in Egypt’s footsteps in calling a spade a spade.
The announcement came after the government blamed the Brotherhood for the suicide bombing of a police station in Mansoura. No proof was offered of Brotherhood involvement. A pro-Al-Qaeda group named Ansar Jerusalem, based in the Sinai Peninsula, took credit.
That didn’t stop local protestors from immediately rallying against the Brotherhood, s effigies of the group’s leaders and attacking property owned by a Brotherhood member. The Egyptian public as a whole remains hostile to the Brotherhood and loyal to the military, with about half the population wanting the group outlawed. Another poll taken in August showed that almost 70% want it banned from politics.
The Brotherhood may or may not be involved in that specific bombing in Mansoura, but that doesn’t mean it is peaceful. It has threatened to form a rebel armed force. After the Egyptian military’s crackdown on the Brotherhood began, Egyptians outraged by the response of the U.S. government and media posted eye-opening videos showing Brotherhood members threatening violence, attacking Egyptian security forces and churches, and putting children at risk for the sake of propaganda.
In addition, Brotherhood preachers continue to instigate violence in Egypt and abroad. The organization knows what it’s doing. Why officially engage in violence when individual members and Salafist allies will do so on their own accord, leaving room for deniability?
Egypt Declares - Read the Rest
Boycott - A Taste of 1930's Berlin
While Israel continues
to be subject to intensified terrorist atrocities – six attacks in the
last 2 days – (ignored as usual by the main stream media), the campaign
to boycott Israel also intensifies. Some people have suggested
similarities between this boycott Israel campaign and the Nazi boycott
of Jews in the 1930s. As the following table makes clear there is
absolutely no basis for arguing that these boycott campaigns are in any
way similar.
Read more at:
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What was/is the ultimate objective -
NAZI Todays Boycott..
Physical destruction of the entire Jewish race - Physical destruction of the entire Jewish state
The singling out and demonization of Jews based on a set of complete lies (propagated by anti-Semitic bigots) about the political, economic, social and religious behaviour of Jews
The singling out and demonization of the Jewish state based on a set of complete lies (propagated by anti-Semitic bigots) about political, economic, social and religious behaviour of the Jewish state
What was/is the
ultimate objective Physical destruction of the entire Jewish race
Physical destruction of the entire Jewish state
Read more at:
Read more at:
What was/is the ultimate objective Physical destruction of the entire
Jewish race Physical destruction of the entire Jewish state
What was/is it based on The singling out and demonization of Jews
based on a set of complete lies (propagated by
anti-Semitic bigots) about the political, economic, social and religious
of Jews The singling out and demonization of the Jewish state based on a
of complete lies (propagated by anti-Semitic bigots) about political,
social and religious behaviour of the Jewish state
What was/must be ignored and
covered up at all costs to maintain the momentum The genuine atrocities
committed by the Nazis and their proxies against
the Jews The genuine atrocities committed by the Arab states and their
terrorist proxies against the Jews
Who was/is the real brains
behind it Hard core anti-semites, national socialists, and politically
academics and lawyers Hard core anti-semites, socialists, and
politically active academics
and lawyers
Who else supports/supported it? All the Arab states and also
anti-Semites in the rest of the world All the Arab states and also
anti-Semites in the rest of the world
Business targets Only Jewish owned businesses (or those working with
them) Only Jewish owned businesses (or those working with them)
Academic targets Only Jewish academics (or those working with them)
Only Jewish academics (or those working with them)
Tactics: Direct Action 1 Anti-semitic mobs vandalised Jewish-owned
shops and their products Anti-semitic mobs vandalise Jewish-owned
Israeli shops and their products
Tactics: Direct Action 2 Anti-semitic, swastika wearing, mobs daubed
Stars of David on the
windows, walls and products of Jewish owned businesses Anti-semitic
mobs daub Stars of David and swastikas on the windows, walls and
products of Jewish owned Israeli businesses
Tactics: Media propaganda Cartoons of big fat Jews who control the
world and eat non-Jewish
babies; non-stop articles written by anti-Semitic liars demonizing Jews
Cartoons of big fat Jews who control the world and eat non-Jewish
babies; non-stop articles written by anti-Semitic liars demonizing the
Tactics: Lawfare Special Nazi laws introduced to both outlaw
Jewish-owned businesses and
criminalise attempts by anybody else to work with them Special EU and
Arab laws introduced to outlaw Jewish-owned Israeli businesses
and criminalise attempts by anybody else to work with them
Tactics: Secondary boycott Non-Jews visiting Jewish houses and
businesses were publicly vilified
and threatened to be boycotted themselves if they did not cease their
interaction with Jews Non-Jews visiting the Jewish state and doing
business with it are
publicly vilified and threatened to be boycotted themselves if they do
cease their interaction with the Jewish state
Ultimately who other than Jews was/is
affected Rest of the world suffered from loss of scientific and
contribution from Jews Rest of the world suffers from loss of
scientific and cultural
contribution from Jews
What was/will be the ultimate outcome
of the boycott Millions of Jews died, but it did not help the Nazis in
any way at
all Millions of Jews may die, but it will not help the Palestinians in
any way at all
Read more at:
Read more at:
Nazi boycott Anti-Israel boycott
What was/is the ultimate objective Physical destruction of the entire
Jewish race Physical destruction of the entire Jewish state
What was/is it based on The singling out and demonization of Jews
based on a set of complete lies (propagated by
anti-Semitic bigots) about the political, economic, social and religious
of Jews The singling out and demonization of the Jewish state based on a
of complete lies (propagated by anti-Semitic bigots) about political,
social and religious behaviour of the Jewish state
What was/must be ignored and
covered up at all costs to maintain the momentum The genuine atrocities
committed by the Nazis and their proxies against
the Jews The genuine atrocities committed by the Arab states and their
terrorist proxies against the Jews
Who was/is the real brains
behind it Hard core anti-semites, national socialists, and politically
academics and lawyers Hard core anti-semites, socialists, and
politically active academics
and lawyers
Who else supports/supported it? All the Arab states and also
anti-Semites in the rest of the world All the Arab states and also
anti-Semites in the rest of the world
Business targets Only Jewish owned businesses (or those working with
them) Only Jewish owned businesses (or those working with them)
Academic targets Only Jewish academics (or those working with them)
Only Jewish academics (or those working with them)
Tactics: Direct Action 1 Anti-semitic mobs vandalised Jewish-owned
shops and their products Anti-semitic mobs vandalise Jewish-owned
Israeli shops and their products
Tactics: Direct Action 2 Anti-semitic, swastika wearing, mobs daubed
Stars of David on the
windows, walls and products of Jewish owned businesses Anti-semitic
mobs daub Stars of David and swastikas on the windows, walls and
products of Jewish owned Israeli businesses
Tactics: Media propaganda Cartoons of big fat Jews who control the
world and eat non-Jewish
babies; non-stop articles written by anti-Semitic liars demonizing Jews
Cartoons of big fat Jews who control the world and eat non-Jewish
babies; non-stop articles written by anti-Semitic liars demonizing the
Tactics: Lawfare Special Nazi laws introduced to both outlaw
Jewish-owned businesses and
criminalise attempts by anybody else to work with them Special EU and
Arab laws introduced to outlaw Jewish-owned Israeli businesses
and criminalise attempts by anybody else to work with them
Tactics: Secondary boycott Non-Jews visiting Jewish houses and
businesses were publicly vilified
and threatened to be boycotted themselves if they did not cease their
interaction with Jews Non-Jews visiting the Jewish state and doing
business with it are
publicly vilified and threatened to be boycotted themselves if they do
cease their interaction with the Jewish state
Ultimately who other than Jews was/is
affected Rest of the world suffered from loss of scientific and
contribution from Jews Rest of the world suffers from loss of
scientific and cultural
contribution from Jews
What was/will be the ultimate outcome
of the boycott Millions of Jews died, but it did not help the Nazis in
any way at
all Millions of Jews may die, but it will not help the Palestinians in
any way at all
Read more at:
Read more at:
While Israel continues
to be subject to intensified terrorist atrocities – six attacks in the
last 2 days – (ignored as usual by the main stream media), the campaign
to boycott Israel also intensifies. Some people have suggested
similarities between this boycott Israel campaign and the Nazi boycott
of Jews in the 1930s. As the following table makes clear there is
absolutely no basis for arguing that these boycott campaigns are in any
way similar.
Read more at:
Read more at:
1930's Berlin - Read the Rest
December 26, 2013
President Roosevelt and the Holocaust: New Evidence
“During my research I found numerous examples of behind-the-scenes remarks in which U.S. president Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke about :
the danger of allowing Jews in large numbers to live in one specific place, or to become too prominent in various professions.
"He also promoted imposing a quota on the admission of Jewish students to Harvard in the 1920’s.
“In 1943, Roosevelt urged local leaders in Allied-liberated North Africa to limit the entry of Jews into many professions.
He claimed that ‘the complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews’ were ‘understandable’ because there were many Jews in law, medicine, and other fields in Germany.”
(FDR, moronic, racist, trash - Avi )
FDR - New Evidence
Where are the Arab / Muslim / Nazi's?
The latest travesty of "Peace Negotiations" still are lacking a major component:
The Arab / Muslim / Nazi's? They have no representation and whoever sits for them...Arafat, Abu Mauzen etc...are just shams.
Bibi and the Knesset need to tell the US in no uncertain terms to step off and get out.
Enough is enough. And that was 45 years ago....
Israel only needs the US as an Ally, no more...
Israel needs to take care of herself...
Expel the Arab / Muslim / Nazi's NOW...
Annex the land, extend the Fence and advise the POTUS to talk to the King of Jordan about bringing his refugees home...
The Arab / Muslim / Nazi's? They have no representation and whoever sits for them...Arafat, Abu Mauzen etc...are just shams.
Bibi and the Knesset need to tell the US in no uncertain terms to step off and get out.
Enough is enough. And that was 45 years ago....
Israel only needs the US as an Ally, no more...
Israel needs to take care of herself...
Expel the Arab / Muslim / Nazi's NOW...
Annex the land, extend the Fence and advise the POTUS to talk to the King of Jordan about bringing his refugees home...
Israeli Terrorist Release?
Israel will release more Arab / Muslim / Nazi Murderers?
Hundreds Protest....Hundreds?
How is this possible?
Where are the victims families groups?
This is just awful, words don't exist...
Jewish Blood is a gesture to who? The Arab / Muslim / Nazi Murderers?
Release them? Not even after they were executed should they release them...
Drop their dead bodies by helicopter on their family tent.
Hundreds Protest....Hundreds?
How is this possible?
Where are the victims families groups?
This is just awful, words don't exist...
Jewish Blood is a gesture to who? The Arab / Muslim / Nazi Murderers?
Release them? Not even after they were executed should they release them...
Drop their dead bodies by helicopter on their family tent.
Do Nothing POTUS Peace Plan?
So the talk is scary Kerry coming to Israel in January to shove a POTUS created plan down Israel's throat. I can't refer to it as a peace plan, I guess it should be called the EOI Plan - End of Israel.
There is zero that the POTUS and US can do to change the ME. Zero.
It is just a matter of when Israel will expel the Arab / Muslim / Nazi's from Israel, annex Gaza/Judea/Samaria and tell the world to step off. Either it will happen from new Israeli leadership or due to a major war. Either way, it will happen....
The POTUS and Kerry want to treat the ME like Obamacare...Force things that aren't ready, with a system doomed to fail, be unable to deliver anything they promise and embarress themselves while doing it.
Bibi, tell them you are to busy running will let them know after it settles down when a good time to chat is.
And also the way ...if Russia is willing to provide military aid to Israel...
I suppose some could call it the start of USSR reparations for centuries of pogroms, genocide etc they inflicted on Jewish people.
Either way make the Merkava and your own Jets and tell the US we thank you for all of your past consideration...and your services are no longer required.
Israel, Bibi, strike your own deals WITH Hashem....
There is zero that the POTUS and US can do to change the ME. Zero.
It is just a matter of when Israel will expel the Arab / Muslim / Nazi's from Israel, annex Gaza/Judea/Samaria and tell the world to step off. Either it will happen from new Israeli leadership or due to a major war. Either way, it will happen....
The POTUS and Kerry want to treat the ME like Obamacare...Force things that aren't ready, with a system doomed to fail, be unable to deliver anything they promise and embarress themselves while doing it.
Bibi, tell them you are to busy running will let them know after it settles down when a good time to chat is.
And also the way ...if Russia is willing to provide military aid to Israel...
I suppose some could call it the start of USSR reparations for centuries of pogroms, genocide etc they inflicted on Jewish people.
Either way make the Merkava and your own Jets and tell the US we thank you for all of your past consideration...and your services are no longer required.
Israel, Bibi, strike your own deals WITH Hashem....
Jerusalem is on the Table?
Who are these MK's?
How dare they allow Jerusalem to even be considered with these fradulent negotiations with fraudulent "peace partners", you know the Arab / Muslim / Nazi's.
Every story out of Israel about Bibi or the Mk's are bizzare.
Perhaps they are unaware that the entire...entire world hates Israel.
Doesn't even consider Israel a legitimate Country...
How is this possible?
They release murders left and right and can't even secure Pollard's release?
Shameful behavior.
It is well past time for Jewish leadership.
The Orthodox Jews need to get assembled and recognize their differences and common goals.
This coalition would then find a way to incorporate Non-Orthodox Jews completely into Israels future.
After all....What do 2 Million Orthodox want, 6 Million Conservative & Reform Jews or 6 Million Arab / Muslim /Nazi's?
Simple choice.
WHO will lead?
Ben Ari?
How dare they allow Jerusalem to even be considered with these fradulent negotiations with fraudulent "peace partners", you know the Arab / Muslim / Nazi's.
Every story out of Israel about Bibi or the Mk's are bizzare.
Perhaps they are unaware that the entire...entire world hates Israel.
Doesn't even consider Israel a legitimate Country...
How is this possible?
They release murders left and right and can't even secure Pollard's release?
Shameful behavior.
It is well past time for Jewish leadership.
The Orthodox Jews need to get assembled and recognize their differences and common goals.
This coalition would then find a way to incorporate Non-Orthodox Jews completely into Israels future.
After all....What do 2 Million Orthodox want, 6 Million Conservative & Reform Jews or 6 Million Arab / Muslim /Nazi's?
Simple choice.
WHO will lead?
Ben Ari?
December 25, 2013
Obadiah Shoher - isms
I do not hate Neo-Nazis. They are just enemies, and must be dealt with rationally. I dislike anti-Semites, but cannot
object to their opinions as long as they remain passive.
I dislike irresponsible idealists who in the
worst totalitarian manner shut out voices of realism
Would anyone challenge the right of Caucasians to
fight for their own jurisdiction within California? Many would not. Ethnically, religiously, and even ideologically diverse states that fail as melting pots dissolve. Who was there first and who came later does not matter; much of Israel was not settled fifty years ago. A coherent and importantly distinct group living compactly is entitled to sovereignty, or at least it makes sense to give them sovereignty to keep them from living in perpetual conflict with their neighbors. What, except anti-Semitism, denies the same logic to the Jews in the Middle East?
People need to denigrate their benefactors to
preserve self-esteem, attributing hidden motives and hating
No regime that comes to power by force can
sustain itself by grace without first exterminating its enemies.
Goodness as a device to mollify subjugated people is a theoretical construct.
Absolute cruelty is superficially as much an extreme as
absolute goodness and should be as unrealizable if the object of application of either were immutable. Cruelty, however, eliminates the object itself by destroying opposition and dispersing potential supporters to other countries where they are eventually assimilated and lose nationalist aspirations.
Sufficient cruelty can often reduce the dissident population to conformity. Goodness, on the contrary, emboldens dissent— exactly the case with Palestinian nationalism
The seemingly irresolvable situation has, however, a
solution. Israel should drive the Palestinians into Jordan and Lebanon and treat the other Arabs with kind indifference but react with cruelty to any violation of her interests. Negotiators know an opponent is much more likely to give way if pressured from the beginning and then offered a way out. Machiavelli left a message to future generations. He disdained government force and war; he admired just, wise rulers. He considered murder and deceit distasteful but natural, but like a good surgeon, he saw the need to do repulsive and painful things quickly and effectively.
It is better to live and let live, but if you decide on territorial expansion and war, at least do it knowledgeably. Politics is a cold-blooded game with no place for moralizing and hesitation for the victors. Be coherent and
single-minded; smother the weakness of humanism, and
weaken the enemy by inducing him to act according to moral rules while you disregard them as fiction, inapplicable in crises.
Israel has yet to accept and adopt the truth of warfare.
The Americans stole a piece of Mexico but not of Canada because of their cultural affinity with the latter. They spared Haiti because there was no profit in controlling and upgrading the alien population, not to mention damaging their international image. Arabs will agree to Israeli
annexation if they admire her the way Mexicans admired the United States. Lacking this sense of inferiority, Arabs will resist encroachment, as the Canadians did.
The hard-liners in many countries who argue against
compromise with perceived evil and for harsh action against it, are not extremists but rather realists who realize that civility will not solve the problem.
Defense hardly ever wins peace; the threat of offense
does. Arabs will not make peace with Israel unless they fear
attack. They are comfortable in thinking Israel will not attack them and have no reason to negotiate, especially when certain concessions are involved. Arab disinterest in peace means changes in Israeli military doctrine.
A disadvantageous status quo can be accepted de jure only if things threaten to get worse, that is, only if peace prevents further aggression. If Israel wants to retain the Golan Heights, she should take or threaten to occupy a much larger territory and then offer a trade ...
What do you think? Leftists and anti-Semites don't waste your breath...
object to their opinions as long as they remain passive.
I dislike irresponsible idealists who in the
worst totalitarian manner shut out voices of realism
Would anyone challenge the right of Caucasians to
fight for their own jurisdiction within California? Many would not. Ethnically, religiously, and even ideologically diverse states that fail as melting pots dissolve. Who was there first and who came later does not matter; much of Israel was not settled fifty years ago. A coherent and importantly distinct group living compactly is entitled to sovereignty, or at least it makes sense to give them sovereignty to keep them from living in perpetual conflict with their neighbors. What, except anti-Semitism, denies the same logic to the Jews in the Middle East?
People need to denigrate their benefactors to
preserve self-esteem, attributing hidden motives and hating
No regime that comes to power by force can
sustain itself by grace without first exterminating its enemies.
Goodness as a device to mollify subjugated people is a theoretical construct.
Absolute cruelty is superficially as much an extreme as
absolute goodness and should be as unrealizable if the object of application of either were immutable. Cruelty, however, eliminates the object itself by destroying opposition and dispersing potential supporters to other countries where they are eventually assimilated and lose nationalist aspirations.
Sufficient cruelty can often reduce the dissident population to conformity. Goodness, on the contrary, emboldens dissent— exactly the case with Palestinian nationalism
The seemingly irresolvable situation has, however, a
solution. Israel should drive the Palestinians into Jordan and Lebanon and treat the other Arabs with kind indifference but react with cruelty to any violation of her interests. Negotiators know an opponent is much more likely to give way if pressured from the beginning and then offered a way out. Machiavelli left a message to future generations. He disdained government force and war; he admired just, wise rulers. He considered murder and deceit distasteful but natural, but like a good surgeon, he saw the need to do repulsive and painful things quickly and effectively.
It is better to live and let live, but if you decide on territorial expansion and war, at least do it knowledgeably. Politics is a cold-blooded game with no place for moralizing and hesitation for the victors. Be coherent and
single-minded; smother the weakness of humanism, and
weaken the enemy by inducing him to act according to moral rules while you disregard them as fiction, inapplicable in crises.
Israel has yet to accept and adopt the truth of warfare.
The Americans stole a piece of Mexico but not of Canada because of their cultural affinity with the latter. They spared Haiti because there was no profit in controlling and upgrading the alien population, not to mention damaging their international image. Arabs will agree to Israeli
annexation if they admire her the way Mexicans admired the United States. Lacking this sense of inferiority, Arabs will resist encroachment, as the Canadians did.
The hard-liners in many countries who argue against
compromise with perceived evil and for harsh action against it, are not extremists but rather realists who realize that civility will not solve the problem.
Defense hardly ever wins peace; the threat of offense
does. Arabs will not make peace with Israel unless they fear
attack. They are comfortable in thinking Israel will not attack them and have no reason to negotiate, especially when certain concessions are involved. Arab disinterest in peace means changes in Israeli military doctrine.
A disadvantageous status quo can be accepted de jure only if things threaten to get worse, that is, only if peace prevents further aggression. If Israel wants to retain the Golan Heights, she should take or threaten to occupy a much larger territory and then offer a trade ...
What do you think? Leftists and anti-Semites don't waste your breath...
Israel a Country of Jews - or a Jewish Country
Israel a Country of Jews - or a Jewish Country?
Now it is Country of the Jews.
It is vital to the Jewish future to transform Israel into a Jewish Country. Israel's must be lead by a PM with policies based exclusively on Jewish identity, values and ethics.
This includes tolerance for all.
Our aim is to create a genuinely Jewish consciousness in the Land of Israel, motivated by the awareness that faith and country are intrinsically woven together. An Israeli society predicated on Jewish faith - the Torah - is an ethical and loving society whose ultimate goal is to illuminate the entire world with God's benevolence. Moshe Feiglin Manhigut Yehudit Party.
We are Jews, with no added definitions. We do not call ourselves Orthodox, Conservative or Reform - neither "right-wing" nor "left-wing. We believe in G-d, Who has brought us back to our Jewish home; the Holy Land of Israel. In Israel, the natural predisposition of the Jewish People to illuminate the world with God's light is brought to perfection, enabling us to perform our task in the most consummate way - Feiglin
The observant Jew has his own sense of values. Torah Judaism is his blueprint for this life, his target for existence - Kahane
A Jewish Israel can't be racist because anybody can be Jewish by converting. On the other hand, how many Arab/Muslim Countries are there where Jews are not even allowed to visit, much less become or have stayed citizens.
The time is now for Israel to decide the terms of surrender for Hamas & Hezbollah and baring their acceptance, they need to completely eliminated and at the same time begin expelling Arabs...Literally all heck needs to break loose...
If the Jewish people want their own has to be for Jews and not a multi ethnic pseudo-democracy....
If the displaced Jordanians obtain any sort of a State alongside of Israel...It will be a staging ground for their terror and they will a constant humiliation because their leaders will tell them that having Jews in a State in the ME is their failure.
The displaced Jordanians will always remember what they perceive as Israeli injustice. The most expedient solution is to expel the the displaced Jordanians, disperse them, and pressure them into assimilation with other Arabs. Jews preserved their national aspirations in the Diaspora because of Jewish distinctiveness.
The displaced Jordanians lack a persistent sense of a unique identity. - Obadiah Shoher...
In a war to repel aggression, Israel should require
unconditional surrender, a bit of age-old wisdom lost on Israeli politicians who repeat the WWI error of leaving humiliated enemy to re-arm. The habit of settling for an armistice is supremely damaging and costly. Armies love victory; indecision is demoralizing.
Israel must occupy the capitals of enemy states.
To avoid loss of Israeli personnel, that goal should be carried out in two stages.
The first is the aerial destruction of economically significant objects and the devastation of the capital itself. Enemy civilian losses should be ignored, since the people willingly participated in the war by accepting and supporting their governments.
Second, a local collaborative government should be installed, supported by a few Israeli mechanized
ground troops and the threat of further air assault. Its aim
should be to exact reparations in oil. There would be no need to guard the whole country, as the Americans do in Iraq, just the oil wells and pipelines. After some years of humiliation, Israel might agree to local elections based on a constitution prohibiting major military development, much as the United States did in post-World War II Japan. Given how poor the Arabs would be without oil, Israel would have enough power to enforce her demands - Obadiah Shoher
Israel must abandon morality while at war.
Saving Israeli lives must be the priority, no matter the casualties among Arab soldiers, government officials, or civilians. Most Israeli politicians would subscribe to that, though Israeli strategy in Lebanon led to great Israeli casualties, because the conflict was kept to low intensity to save Arab lives—at the cost of Jewish lives.
Obadiah Shoher
Now it is Country of the Jews.
It is vital to the Jewish future to transform Israel into a Jewish Country. Israel's must be lead by a PM with policies based exclusively on Jewish identity, values and ethics.
This includes tolerance for all.
Our aim is to create a genuinely Jewish consciousness in the Land of Israel, motivated by the awareness that faith and country are intrinsically woven together. An Israeli society predicated on Jewish faith - the Torah - is an ethical and loving society whose ultimate goal is to illuminate the entire world with God's benevolence. Moshe Feiglin Manhigut Yehudit Party.
We are Jews, with no added definitions. We do not call ourselves Orthodox, Conservative or Reform - neither "right-wing" nor "left-wing. We believe in G-d, Who has brought us back to our Jewish home; the Holy Land of Israel. In Israel, the natural predisposition of the Jewish People to illuminate the world with God's light is brought to perfection, enabling us to perform our task in the most consummate way - Feiglin
The observant Jew has his own sense of values. Torah Judaism is his blueprint for this life, his target for existence - Kahane
A Jewish Israel can't be racist because anybody can be Jewish by converting. On the other hand, how many Arab/Muslim Countries are there where Jews are not even allowed to visit, much less become or have stayed citizens.
The time is now for Israel to decide the terms of surrender for Hamas & Hezbollah and baring their acceptance, they need to completely eliminated and at the same time begin expelling Arabs...Literally all heck needs to break loose...
If the Jewish people want their own has to be for Jews and not a multi ethnic pseudo-democracy....
If the displaced Jordanians obtain any sort of a State alongside of Israel...It will be a staging ground for their terror and they will a constant humiliation because their leaders will tell them that having Jews in a State in the ME is their failure.
The displaced Jordanians will always remember what they perceive as Israeli injustice. The most expedient solution is to expel the the displaced Jordanians, disperse them, and pressure them into assimilation with other Arabs. Jews preserved their national aspirations in the Diaspora because of Jewish distinctiveness.
The displaced Jordanians lack a persistent sense of a unique identity. - Obadiah Shoher...
In a war to repel aggression, Israel should require
unconditional surrender, a bit of age-old wisdom lost on Israeli politicians who repeat the WWI error of leaving humiliated enemy to re-arm. The habit of settling for an armistice is supremely damaging and costly. Armies love victory; indecision is demoralizing.
Israel must occupy the capitals of enemy states.
To avoid loss of Israeli personnel, that goal should be carried out in two stages.
The first is the aerial destruction of economically significant objects and the devastation of the capital itself. Enemy civilian losses should be ignored, since the people willingly participated in the war by accepting and supporting their governments.
Second, a local collaborative government should be installed, supported by a few Israeli mechanized
ground troops and the threat of further air assault. Its aim
should be to exact reparations in oil. There would be no need to guard the whole country, as the Americans do in Iraq, just the oil wells and pipelines. After some years of humiliation, Israel might agree to local elections based on a constitution prohibiting major military development, much as the United States did in post-World War II Japan. Given how poor the Arabs would be without oil, Israel would have enough power to enforce her demands - Obadiah Shoher
Israel must abandon morality while at war.
Saving Israeli lives must be the priority, no matter the casualties among Arab soldiers, government officials, or civilians. Most Israeli politicians would subscribe to that, though Israeli strategy in Lebanon led to great Israeli casualties, because the conflict was kept to low intensity to save Arab lives—at the cost of Jewish lives.
Obadiah Shoher
Jewish consciousness does not mean religious consciousness. It means Jewish identity, Jewish faith, cultural values and morals.
The solution to the crisis is not dependent upon a particular leader or political party. It is dependent upon a completely different leadership consciousness. There is only one possible source for the needed moral-spiritual change: Jewish consciousness.
Jewish consciousness does not mean religious consciousness. It means Jewish identity, Jewish faith, cultural values and morals. It means Jewish historical awareness, knowledge of our Jewish roots, Judaism's sources and destiny. Without these we will not find significance and thus will not have the strength for the struggles that our nation still must face. The same applies to all aspects of life in Israel; education, society, culture, economy and more. If we understand that classical Zionism is spent and that Israel needs a new consciousness to continue to develop, the only realistic alternative is classical Jewish consciousness.
I once went into a synagogue in the U.S. to pray the afternoon prayers.
"Where are you from?" the rabbi asked me.
"From Israel, of course," I answered.
"Why 'of course'?" the rabbi asked.
"Because I am a Jew," I answered nonchalantly.
I am not from Israel because I am religious and not because I am a Zionist. I am from Israel like a Frenchman is from France. I am from Israel simply because I am a Jew.
"As a Religious Zionist, how can you work in the Likud?" an Arutz 7 listener once asked me.
"I am not a Zionist and I am not religious," I answered.
"So what are you?" the listener asked.
"A Jew," I answered.
"Fine." the listener said. "That's clear. We are all Jews. But after all, you are not secular and you are also not ultra-Orthodox!"
"Certainly not," I answered.
"Nu? So what is left?"
"I have a question for you," I said to him. Was King David a Zionist? Was he religious? Secular? Or perhaps ultra-Orthodox? What was he?"
The listener thought that I was trying to evade his question. He was not capable of thinking out of his label-covered box. I look like an observant Jew. I have a skullcap on my head, so to him, I am religious.
But in truth, the concept "religious" is borrowed from other cultures -- particularly Christian culture. It does not fit Jewish culture at all. The first person to use this concept was the wicked Haman. "And they do not abide by the religious precepts of the king," Haman said to King Achashverosh in order to justify his "final solution." It was Christianity that separated religion from life. It created the concept "religious" with the Western significance with which we are familiar.
But Judaism is not a religion. Judaism is a culture. It is a nation, a land, the Torah of Israel -- the entire spectrum of life in which observance of commandments is an essential part.
It is difficult for a person born into the concepts of "religious" and "secular" to think in other terms. But to better understand that other options exist, we can just look at cultures that do not rely on the Western/Christian thought pattern. For Sephardi Jews (Jews from Eastern countries) for example, the concepts "religious" and "secular" are not as unequivocal as for their Ashkenazi (Jews from Western countries) counterparts. There are those Jews who observe more commandments, there are those who observe less and it is not always clear who is "religious" and who is "secular." These definitions just don't easily apply to them.
So what are these Jews? Religious or secular? And maybe it is not really fair to ask that question? Maybe it is like asking a person if he is a cat or a rooster.
Israeli society will be forced to march toward a new/old consciousness. Two hundred years of secularization on the one hand and two thousand years of seclusion behind the walls of religion, on the other hand, must come to an end. In the reality being woven before our very eyes, these concepts are already becoming irrelevant.
The Rabbinical Courts should be part of the Justice Ministry, while a self-hating Jew like Tommy Lapid should not be in the Justice Ministry or in any other position of power. The Rabbinical Courts do not have to be "Rabbinical." But they do have to be Jewish. Those people who insist on being religious in some sort of Ministry of Religion -- religious outside of reality and outside of our familiar history -- will eventually disappear. Those people who insist on being secular and forcing lack of significance, lack of rationality and their dreams of assimilation onto Israel's history will also become irrelevant and disappear.
In order to survive, we must establish a Jewish State. To do that, we must go back to being simply Jews. When that happens, the concept of "Israeli-ness" will be redeemed from its current neuter state. Then we will be able to once again be the children of Israel -- authentic Israelis.
Moshe Feiglin
Jewish consciousness does not mean religious consciousness. It means Jewish identity, Jewish faith, cultural values and morals. It means Jewish historical awareness, knowledge of our Jewish roots, Judaism's sources and destiny. Without these we will not find significance and thus will not have the strength for the struggles that our nation still must face. The same applies to all aspects of life in Israel; education, society, culture, economy and more. If we understand that classical Zionism is spent and that Israel needs a new consciousness to continue to develop, the only realistic alternative is classical Jewish consciousness.
I once went into a synagogue in the U.S. to pray the afternoon prayers.
"Where are you from?" the rabbi asked me.
"From Israel, of course," I answered.
"Why 'of course'?" the rabbi asked.
"Because I am a Jew," I answered nonchalantly.
I am not from Israel because I am religious and not because I am a Zionist. I am from Israel like a Frenchman is from France. I am from Israel simply because I am a Jew.
"As a Religious Zionist, how can you work in the Likud?" an Arutz 7 listener once asked me.
"I am not a Zionist and I am not religious," I answered.
"So what are you?" the listener asked.
"A Jew," I answered.
"Fine." the listener said. "That's clear. We are all Jews. But after all, you are not secular and you are also not ultra-Orthodox!"
"Certainly not," I answered.
"Nu? So what is left?"
"I have a question for you," I said to him. Was King David a Zionist? Was he religious? Secular? Or perhaps ultra-Orthodox? What was he?"
The listener thought that I was trying to evade his question. He was not capable of thinking out of his label-covered box. I look like an observant Jew. I have a skullcap on my head, so to him, I am religious.
But in truth, the concept "religious" is borrowed from other cultures -- particularly Christian culture. It does not fit Jewish culture at all. The first person to use this concept was the wicked Haman. "And they do not abide by the religious precepts of the king," Haman said to King Achashverosh in order to justify his "final solution." It was Christianity that separated religion from life. It created the concept "religious" with the Western significance with which we are familiar.
But Judaism is not a religion. Judaism is a culture. It is a nation, a land, the Torah of Israel -- the entire spectrum of life in which observance of commandments is an essential part.
It is difficult for a person born into the concepts of "religious" and "secular" to think in other terms. But to better understand that other options exist, we can just look at cultures that do not rely on the Western/Christian thought pattern. For Sephardi Jews (Jews from Eastern countries) for example, the concepts "religious" and "secular" are not as unequivocal as for their Ashkenazi (Jews from Western countries) counterparts. There are those Jews who observe more commandments, there are those who observe less and it is not always clear who is "religious" and who is "secular." These definitions just don't easily apply to them.
So what are these Jews? Religious or secular? And maybe it is not really fair to ask that question? Maybe it is like asking a person if he is a cat or a rooster.
Israeli society will be forced to march toward a new/old consciousness. Two hundred years of secularization on the one hand and two thousand years of seclusion behind the walls of religion, on the other hand, must come to an end. In the reality being woven before our very eyes, these concepts are already becoming irrelevant.
The Rabbinical Courts should be part of the Justice Ministry, while a self-hating Jew like Tommy Lapid should not be in the Justice Ministry or in any other position of power. The Rabbinical Courts do not have to be "Rabbinical." But they do have to be Jewish. Those people who insist on being religious in some sort of Ministry of Religion -- religious outside of reality and outside of our familiar history -- will eventually disappear. Those people who insist on being secular and forcing lack of significance, lack of rationality and their dreams of assimilation onto Israel's history will also become irrelevant and disappear.
In order to survive, we must establish a Jewish State. To do that, we must go back to being simply Jews. When that happens, the concept of "Israeli-ness" will be redeemed from its current neuter state. Then we will be able to once again be the children of Israel -- authentic Israelis.
Moshe Feiglin
I am not a liberal humanist....Thank G-d
I am not a liberal humanist which in itself makes me not politically correct.
Meir Kahane said,
Why should a Jew not marry a nice, ethical, pretty (or handsome), intelligent gentile without this absurd farce of conversion?
Why not just be ethical without reference to Jews or non-Jews, for what in the world are 'Jewish' ethics.
It is because I believe the Torah as is, was actually, literally given by G-d to the Jewish people at the literal Revelation at Sinai.
I must admit it is certainly a compelling reason to be a Jew, and to observe all the Divine Laws of that Torah. This makes us different from other people.
I want my children to marry Jewish people. I don't accept the concept of marry someone who makes you happy and then have them convert if they don't happen to be Jewish.
"Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., i.e. 2,000 years BEFORE the rise of Islam, and long before there was any Arab nation. Israel (Palestine) has been the homeland of the Jewish People since biblical times. It was subsequently “occupied” more than 15 times. Among its occupiers were the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Ottoman Turks. The longest occupiers of the Holy Land who ruled on and off for 400 years between 1517-1917were the Ottoman Turks. They were followed by the British who ruled under a Mandate of the League of Nations (later the U.N.) to renew a homeland for the Jewish People.
Jews had dominion over the land of Israel over 1,300 years before their expulsion by the conquering Roman Empire. Moreover, Jews have had a continuous presence in this land for over 3,300 years."
Expel the Arab / Muslim/ Nazi's now!
Retake Gaza ...expel the Arab / Muslim/ Nazi's now!
In Judea & Samaria the Arab / Muslim/ Nazi's now!
No more non Israeli Jews working on visa's in Israel.
Meir Kahane said,
Why should a Jew not marry a nice, ethical, pretty (or handsome), intelligent gentile without this absurd farce of conversion?
Why not just be ethical without reference to Jews or non-Jews, for what in the world are 'Jewish' ethics.
It is because I believe the Torah as is, was actually, literally given by G-d to the Jewish people at the literal Revelation at Sinai.
I must admit it is certainly a compelling reason to be a Jew, and to observe all the Divine Laws of that Torah. This makes us different from other people.
I want my children to marry Jewish people. I don't accept the concept of marry someone who makes you happy and then have them convert if they don't happen to be Jewish.
"Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., i.e. 2,000 years BEFORE the rise of Islam, and long before there was any Arab nation. Israel (Palestine) has been the homeland of the Jewish People since biblical times. It was subsequently “occupied” more than 15 times. Among its occupiers were the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Ottoman Turks. The longest occupiers of the Holy Land who ruled on and off for 400 years between 1517-1917were the Ottoman Turks. They were followed by the British who ruled under a Mandate of the League of Nations (later the U.N.) to renew a homeland for the Jewish People.
Jews had dominion over the land of Israel over 1,300 years before their expulsion by the conquering Roman Empire. Moreover, Jews have had a continuous presence in this land for over 3,300 years."
Expel the Arab / Muslim/ Nazi's now!
Retake Gaza ...expel the Arab / Muslim/ Nazi's now!
In Judea & Samaria the Arab / Muslim/ Nazi's now!
No more non Israeli Jews working on visa's in Israel.
Rabbi Kahane - Kahane Tzadak
Rabbi Mayor Kahane was an American-Israeli Rabbi, writer and political figure. He was an ordained Orthodox rabbi and later served as a member of the Israeli parliament or Knesset.
Kahane was a major activist for Jewish causes. He organized Jewish self-defense groups in deteriorating neighborhoods. He fought for the right of Soviet Jews to immigrate. He was known for political and religious views that included proposing Jewish immigration to Israel due to the threat of a possible second Holocaust in the United States. Rabbi Kahane advocated that Israel's alleged democracy be replaced by a state modeled on Jewish religious law. He wanted Israel to annex the West Bank and Gaza strip. This would not allow Arabs, whom he stated would never accept Israel as a Jewish state, from becoming a numerical majority in Israel. His plan would allow Arabs to voluntarily leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, and otherwise forcibly removing Arabs who refused.
Kahane founded the Jewish Defense League in the USA in New York City in 1968.JDL's self-described purpose was to protect Jews from local manifestations of anti-Semitism. Hate crimes and discrimination against Jews were very relevant at the time of mass exodus of urban Jewish population into suburbs; those Jews unable or unwilling to move often became victims of violent crimes in the racially and ethnically changing neighborhoods. JDL members led protests against anti-Semitic teachers in the public school system, provided escorts for elderly Jews and educated Jewish youth in the art of self-defense.
It was the criticism of the Soviet Union that garnered support for the group, transforming it from a vigilante club to an activist organization with membership numbering over 15,000.The JDL organized mass rallies in New York against the Soviet Union's policy of persecuting Zionist activists and curbing Jewish immigration to Israel. JDL played lead role in the Free Soviet Jewry movement and pushed for the release of Russian refuseniks and their resettlement in Israel. JDL also protested against the oppression of Jewish population in Muslim countries, fought Neo-Nazis in the United States and resisted Christian missionaries' activity to convert Jews.
In 1971, Rabbi Kahane fulfilled his lifelong dream and emigrated to Israel
Kahane also founded the Kach Israeli political party.
In 1984 he became a member of the Knesset. In 1988, the Israeli government banned Kach as racist and undemocratic.
The U.S. State Department listed it as a terrorist organization in 1994.
Kahane was assassinated in a Manhattan hotel by an Arab gunman in November 1990, after concluding a speech warning American Jews to emigrate to Israel before it was too late.
In 1980, Kahane stood unsuccessfully for election to the Knesset. That same year, Kahane was arrested for the 62nd time since his emigration and jailed for six months following a detention order based on allegations of planning retaliatory terror attacks against Palestinians.[18]
The Central Elections Committee had banned him from being a candidate on the grounds that Kach was a racist party, but the Israeli High Court determined that the Committee was not authorized to ban Kahane's candidacy. The High Court suggested that the Knesset should pass a law that would authorize the exclusion of racist parties from future elections, and the Anti-Racist Law of 1988 was later passed.In 1984, Kahane was elected as a Member of the Knesset (MK). Kahane refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalms, to indicate that when the national laws and Torah conflict, Torah (Biblical) law should have supremacy over the laws of the Knesset.
Kahane's legislative proposals focused on transferring hostile Arab population out of Israel, revoking the Israeli citizenship for non-Jews and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations, based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.
As his political career progressed, Kahane became increasingly isolated in the Knesset. His speeches, boycotted by Knesset members, were made to an empty parliament, except for the duty chairman and the transcriptionist. Kahane's legislative proposals and motions of no-confidence against the government were ignored or rejected by fellow Knesset members. Kahane often pejoratively called other Knesset members "Hellenists" in Hebrew (a reference to Jews who assimilated into Greek culture after Judea's occupation by Alexander the Great). In 1987, Rabbi Kahane opened a yeshiva (HaRaayon HaYehudi) with funding from US supporters, for the teaching of "the Authentic Jewish Idea".
Despite the boycott, Kahane's popularity grew. Polls showed that Kach would have likely received three to four seats in the coming November 1988 elections[19][20], with some earlier polls forecasting as many as twelve seats (10% of popular vote), possibly making Kach Israel's third largest party.
In 1985, the Knesset passed an amendment to Israel's Basic Law, barring "racist" candidates from election. The committee banned Kahane a second time, and he appealed to the Israeli High Court. This time the court found in favor of the committee, disqualifying Kach from running in the 1988 elections. Rabbi Kahane was thus the first candidate in Israel to be barred from election for political reasons.
Kahane argued that there was a glory in Jewish destiny, which came through the observance of the Torah. He stated that, "democracy and Judaism are not the same thing."[29]
Kahane also believed that a Jewish democracy with non-Jewish citizens was self-contradictory because the non-Jewish citizens might someday become a numerical majority and vote to make the state non-Jewish: "The question is as follows: if the Arabs settle among us and make enough children to become a majority, will Israel continue to be a Jewish state? Do we have to accept that the Arab majority will decide?"[30] "Western democracy has to be ruled out. For me that's cut and dried: there's no question of setting up democracy in Israel, because democracy means equal rights for all, irrespective of racial or religious origins."
Kahane proposed the forcible deportation of nearly all Arabs from all lands controlled by the Israeli government. He framed this deportation as an "exchange of populations" that would continue the Jewish exodus from Arab lands: "A total of some 750,000 Jews fled Arab lands since 1948. Surely it is time for Jews, worried over the huge growth of Arabs in Israel, to consider finishing the exchange of populations that began 35 (50) years ago." Kahane proposed a $40,000 compensation plan for Arabs who would leave voluntarily, force "for those who don’t want to leave,"[30] and encouraged retaliatory violence against Arabs who attacked Jews: "I approve of anybody who commits such acts of violence. Really, I don’t think that we can sit back and watch Arabs throwing rocks at buses whenever they feel like it. They must understand that a bomb thrown at a Jewish bus is going to mean a bomb thrown at an Arab bus."[30]
Kahane proposed a Jewish state "according to the description given in the Bible." He said, "the southern boundary goes up to El Arish, which takes in all of northern Sinai, including Yamit. To the east, the frontier runs along the western part of the East Bank of the Jordan river, hence part of what is now Jordan. Eretz Yisrael also includes part of Lebanon and certain parts of Syria, and part of Iraq, all the way to the Tigris River.[30] When critics suggested this would mean perpetual war between Jews and Arabs, Kahane answered, "There will be a perpetual war. With or without Kahane."
Following Kahane's death, no charismatic leader emerged to replace him in the movement, although the idea of transferring populations gained traction in Israel. Two small Kahanist factions later emerged; one under the name of Kach and the other Kahane chai , lead by his younger son, Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane.
In 1994, following the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre of Palestinian Muslim worshippers in Hebron by Kach supporter Dr. Baruch Goldstein, in which 29 Palestinian Muslim worshippers were killed, the Israeli government declared both parties to be terrorist organizations.[31][32] The U.S. State Department also added Kach and Kahane Chai to its list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Providing funds or material support to these organizations is a crime in both Israel and the USA.
In late 2000, as bombing attacks on Israel during the Al-Aqsa Intifada began, Kahane supporters spray-painted graffiti on hundreds of bus shelters and bridges all across Israel. The message on each target was identical, simply reading: "Kahane was Right".
On December 31, 2000, Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane and his wife Talya were shot to death as they returned from Jerusalem to their home in the Israeli settlement of Kfar Tapuach, and their children wounded. Palestinian gunmen fired more than 60 machine-gun rounds into their van.
In the 2003 Knesset elections Herut, which split off from the National Union list, ran with Michael Kleiner and former Kach activist Baruch Marzel taking the top two spots on the list. The joint effort narrowly missed the 1.5% barrier. In the following 2006 elections Jewish National Front led by Baruch Marzel, fared better but also failed to pass the minimum threshold. Michael Ben-Ari, elected to the Knesset in the 2009 elections on renewed National Union list, is a self-declared follower of Rabbi Kahane who was involved with Kach for many years.
In todays Knesset there is a disciple of Kahane, MK Michael Ben-Ari
Kahane was a major activist for Jewish causes. He organized Jewish self-defense groups in deteriorating neighborhoods. He fought for the right of Soviet Jews to immigrate. He was known for political and religious views that included proposing Jewish immigration to Israel due to the threat of a possible second Holocaust in the United States. Rabbi Kahane advocated that Israel's alleged democracy be replaced by a state modeled on Jewish religious law. He wanted Israel to annex the West Bank and Gaza strip. This would not allow Arabs, whom he stated would never accept Israel as a Jewish state, from becoming a numerical majority in Israel. His plan would allow Arabs to voluntarily leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, and otherwise forcibly removing Arabs who refused.
Kahane founded the Jewish Defense League in the USA in New York City in 1968.JDL's self-described purpose was to protect Jews from local manifestations of anti-Semitism. Hate crimes and discrimination against Jews were very relevant at the time of mass exodus of urban Jewish population into suburbs; those Jews unable or unwilling to move often became victims of violent crimes in the racially and ethnically changing neighborhoods. JDL members led protests against anti-Semitic teachers in the public school system, provided escorts for elderly Jews and educated Jewish youth in the art of self-defense.
It was the criticism of the Soviet Union that garnered support for the group, transforming it from a vigilante club to an activist organization with membership numbering over 15,000.The JDL organized mass rallies in New York against the Soviet Union's policy of persecuting Zionist activists and curbing Jewish immigration to Israel. JDL played lead role in the Free Soviet Jewry movement and pushed for the release of Russian refuseniks and their resettlement in Israel. JDL also protested against the oppression of Jewish population in Muslim countries, fought Neo-Nazis in the United States and resisted Christian missionaries' activity to convert Jews.
In 1971, Rabbi Kahane fulfilled his lifelong dream and emigrated to Israel
Kahane also founded the Kach Israeli political party.
In 1984 he became a member of the Knesset. In 1988, the Israeli government banned Kach as racist and undemocratic.
The U.S. State Department listed it as a terrorist organization in 1994.
Kahane was assassinated in a Manhattan hotel by an Arab gunman in November 1990, after concluding a speech warning American Jews to emigrate to Israel before it was too late.
In 1980, Kahane stood unsuccessfully for election to the Knesset. That same year, Kahane was arrested for the 62nd time since his emigration and jailed for six months following a detention order based on allegations of planning retaliatory terror attacks against Palestinians.[18]
The Central Elections Committee had banned him from being a candidate on the grounds that Kach was a racist party, but the Israeli High Court determined that the Committee was not authorized to ban Kahane's candidacy. The High Court suggested that the Knesset should pass a law that would authorize the exclusion of racist parties from future elections, and the Anti-Racist Law of 1988 was later passed.In 1984, Kahane was elected as a Member of the Knesset (MK). Kahane refused to take the standard oath of office and insisted on adding a Biblical verse from Psalms, to indicate that when the national laws and Torah conflict, Torah (Biblical) law should have supremacy over the laws of the Knesset.
Kahane's legislative proposals focused on transferring hostile Arab population out of Israel, revoking the Israeli citizenship for non-Jews and banning Jewish-Gentile marriages and sexual relations, based on the Code of Jewish Law compiled by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah.
As his political career progressed, Kahane became increasingly isolated in the Knesset. His speeches, boycotted by Knesset members, were made to an empty parliament, except for the duty chairman and the transcriptionist. Kahane's legislative proposals and motions of no-confidence against the government were ignored or rejected by fellow Knesset members. Kahane often pejoratively called other Knesset members "Hellenists" in Hebrew (a reference to Jews who assimilated into Greek culture after Judea's occupation by Alexander the Great). In 1987, Rabbi Kahane opened a yeshiva (HaRaayon HaYehudi) with funding from US supporters, for the teaching of "the Authentic Jewish Idea".
Despite the boycott, Kahane's popularity grew. Polls showed that Kach would have likely received three to four seats in the coming November 1988 elections[19][20], with some earlier polls forecasting as many as twelve seats (10% of popular vote), possibly making Kach Israel's third largest party.
In 1985, the Knesset passed an amendment to Israel's Basic Law, barring "racist" candidates from election. The committee banned Kahane a second time, and he appealed to the Israeli High Court. This time the court found in favor of the committee, disqualifying Kach from running in the 1988 elections. Rabbi Kahane was thus the first candidate in Israel to be barred from election for political reasons.
Kahane argued that there was a glory in Jewish destiny, which came through the observance of the Torah. He stated that, "democracy and Judaism are not the same thing."[29]
Kahane also believed that a Jewish democracy with non-Jewish citizens was self-contradictory because the non-Jewish citizens might someday become a numerical majority and vote to make the state non-Jewish: "The question is as follows: if the Arabs settle among us and make enough children to become a majority, will Israel continue to be a Jewish state? Do we have to accept that the Arab majority will decide?"[30] "Western democracy has to be ruled out. For me that's cut and dried: there's no question of setting up democracy in Israel, because democracy means equal rights for all, irrespective of racial or religious origins."
Kahane proposed the forcible deportation of nearly all Arabs from all lands controlled by the Israeli government. He framed this deportation as an "exchange of populations" that would continue the Jewish exodus from Arab lands: "A total of some 750,000 Jews fled Arab lands since 1948. Surely it is time for Jews, worried over the huge growth of Arabs in Israel, to consider finishing the exchange of populations that began 35 (50) years ago." Kahane proposed a $40,000 compensation plan for Arabs who would leave voluntarily, force "for those who don’t want to leave,"[30] and encouraged retaliatory violence against Arabs who attacked Jews: "I approve of anybody who commits such acts of violence. Really, I don’t think that we can sit back and watch Arabs throwing rocks at buses whenever they feel like it. They must understand that a bomb thrown at a Jewish bus is going to mean a bomb thrown at an Arab bus."[30]
Kahane proposed a Jewish state "according to the description given in the Bible." He said, "the southern boundary goes up to El Arish, which takes in all of northern Sinai, including Yamit. To the east, the frontier runs along the western part of the East Bank of the Jordan river, hence part of what is now Jordan. Eretz Yisrael also includes part of Lebanon and certain parts of Syria, and part of Iraq, all the way to the Tigris River.[30] When critics suggested this would mean perpetual war between Jews and Arabs, Kahane answered, "There will be a perpetual war. With or without Kahane."
Following Kahane's death, no charismatic leader emerged to replace him in the movement, although the idea of transferring populations gained traction in Israel. Two small Kahanist factions later emerged; one under the name of Kach and the other Kahane chai , lead by his younger son, Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane.
In 1994, following the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre of Palestinian Muslim worshippers in Hebron by Kach supporter Dr. Baruch Goldstein, in which 29 Palestinian Muslim worshippers were killed, the Israeli government declared both parties to be terrorist organizations.[31][32] The U.S. State Department also added Kach and Kahane Chai to its list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Providing funds or material support to these organizations is a crime in both Israel and the USA.
In late 2000, as bombing attacks on Israel during the Al-Aqsa Intifada began, Kahane supporters spray-painted graffiti on hundreds of bus shelters and bridges all across Israel. The message on each target was identical, simply reading: "Kahane was Right".
On December 31, 2000, Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane and his wife Talya were shot to death as they returned from Jerusalem to their home in the Israeli settlement of Kfar Tapuach, and their children wounded. Palestinian gunmen fired more than 60 machine-gun rounds into their van.
In the 2003 Knesset elections Herut, which split off from the National Union list, ran with Michael Kleiner and former Kach activist Baruch Marzel taking the top two spots on the list. The joint effort narrowly missed the 1.5% barrier. In the following 2006 elections Jewish National Front led by Baruch Marzel, fared better but also failed to pass the minimum threshold. Michael Ben-Ari, elected to the Knesset in the 2009 elections on renewed National Union list, is a self-declared follower of Rabbi Kahane who was involved with Kach for many years.
In todays Knesset there is a disciple of Kahane, MK Michael Ben-Ari
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