Manhigut Yehudit held its first-ever North American “Get Involved” conference in Manhattan July 26th at the New York Marriott hotel, drawing a large crowd of over 400 with a common goal of bringing authentic Jewish leadership to the State of Israel.

Manhigut President Moshe Feiglin, who has run and plans to run again for Likud Chairman (which would then make him the Likud candidate for Prime Minister of Israel), addressed the full house via video. Feiglin gave an update on the political situation in Israel and also focused on how Benjamin Netanyahu - the so-called “right-wing” Prime Minister - is running away as fast as he can from his own electorate into the arms of the left. Mr. Feiglin gave everyone his heartfelt thanks for attending and for getting involved.
Mr. Feiglin further discussed how the only solution for the State of Israel is for it to be guided by Jewish principles and Jewish values. No longer can Israel bear to be led by those who give lip-service to their Jewish roots while at the same time evicting Jews from their homes and insisting that Israeli children not be taught anything in school about their faith, their land and their history.
A film of the December campaign for the Likud’s Knesset list was shown. The film highlighted the fact that Manhigut Yehudit's message of "authentic Jewish leadership" for Israel is clearly being picked up on by all Likudniks. Feiglin finished in a position from which he would have been in the Knesset were it not for Netanyahu's dubious wranglings to push him down to an unrealistic spot on the Likud list after the election results were already tallied. This demonstrated to Feiglin and all attendees that the people of Israel (as demonstrated by the fact that the Likud is a microcosm of Israeli society) are hungering for the new way proposed by Manhigut Yehudit. It is only a matter of time.
Also shown to the crowd was Moshe Feiglin’s video response to US President Barack Obama’s Cairo speech. In his remarks, Feiglin told Obama that he should not mistake Netanyahu’s weakness to mean that the Israeli people are just as weak. Feiglin further told him that by insisting that Israel divide itself that Obama is opposing the only peace plan that will work – namely the Divine peace plan.
Shmuel Sackett, Manhigut Yehudit’s International Director hosted the event and also discussed “what a strong and proud Jewish State means to the world”. Rob Muchnick, Manhigut Yehudit’s US Director spoke about “turning Israel from the state of Jews into the Jewish state” and how to distribute our weekly english-language newsletter. Tova Abady, Manhigut’s Media Spokesperson, discussed various strategies for getting our message to the media, and Yocheved Seidman, Manhigut Yehudit’s new Program Director, discussed Manhigut’s new online tools and how each attendee can help make the dream of authentic Jewish leadership for Israel into a reality.
The attendees left the conference updated, informed, ready and completely energized to turn the “state of the Jews” into “The Jewish state”.